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Free 30-Day Dash Protect (for Singtel Dash Remit customers)

Product summary & policy wording

Product Summary

NOTICE: This product summary is available in English, Bahasa IndonesiaBengaliBurmeseChinese and Tamil. The English version shall always prevail in case of any discrepancy or inconsistency between the English version and its other translations.


IMPORTANT NOTE:  This Product Summary is only an outline of the coverage.  The specific terms, conditions, provisions, exclusions and limitations are set out in the policy wordings.

The benefits under this Group Policy are provided by Great Eastern General Insurance Limited (‘GEG’). The premiums are paid by SingCash Pte Ltd (policyholder’) and free of charge to selected customers (‘the insured person’) nominated by the policyholder.

This is not a Medisave-approved policy and you may not use Medisave to pay the premium for this policy.

Product Name:

Free 30-Day Dash Protect

(Personal Accident for Singtel Dash Remit Customers)

Policyholder: SingCash Pte Ltd


Cover is only available to:

  • Singaporean, Singapore Permanent Resident or an Individual holding a valid Singapore Identification document such as Employment Pass, Work Permit, Long Term Visit Pass or Student Pass; and residing in Singapore during the policy period
  • Persons having a valid Singtel Dash Remit Account and Dash Wallet Account
  • Age between 16 and 85 at the time of enrolment.

Period of Cover

A period of 30 consecutive days from the start date as indicated in the enrolment confirmation to the insured person.

Enrolment Confirmation

The SMS sent to registered mobile number of the insured person which contain details of the policy period and start date. 

Benefits Capital Sum Insured per Insured Person*

1.       Death or Permanent Disability

If an insured person sustains an injury as a result of an accident during the Policy Period and within 30 days of date of the accident results in Death or Permanent Disablement, We will pay one of benefit A, B or C, and not more than one benefit. Coverage shall cease upon successful claim for that insured person.


Schedule of Compensation % of Capital Sum Insured
A. Death 100%
B.Permanent Total Disablement  100%

C.    Other Permanent Disablement

1.  Total and Permanent Loss of one or two limbs at or above the wrist or ankle; or

2.  Total and Permanent Loss of all sight in one or both eyes; or

3.  Total and Permanent Loss of one limb and total loss of sight in one eye; or

4.  Total and Permanent Loss of speech and hearing in both ears







(Capital Sum Insured)

2.       Post Hospitalisation Recovery Benefit

We will pay a cash benefit of S$100 if an insured person is hospitalised due to an accidental injury with at least 48 hours hospitalisation and an accident must occur within the policy period and admitted to a hospital within 7 days after the date of the accident.


*One cover at any one time (i.e. no overlapping sum insured for same person)

Territorial Limits

Anywhere in Singapore.

Major Exclusions

We will not pay be liable for any claims caused by or resulting from:

  • War, Terrorism, Ionising Radiation, Contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or waste, Strikes, Riot, Civil Commotion
  • Wilful Act, Suicide, Self-inflicted injury, Mental and Nervous Disorders, Sleeping Disorder, Depression, Insanity and anxiety
  • Pre-Existing medical conditions
  • Pregnancy, Child-birth, Miscarriage or any complications
  • Venereal Disease, HIV, AIDS and any kind of such diseases
  • Intoxication by alcohol, narcotics or drugs
  • Routine health checks, Dental care or surgery, Cosmetic or plastic surgery
  • Participation in winter sports, big game hunting, mountaineering, rock climbing (other than indoor rock climbing), scuba/skin diving, underwater activities, motor-rally or racing or speed contest of any kind other than on foot.
  • Airline Personnel and Aircrew, Professional Sports Team
  • Regular Armed Forces and Auxiliary Police Force (including CISCO personnel), other than Military or Police Service of a peacetime nature including National Service Personnel and Reservist training.
  • Contracts Rights of Third Parties Act
  • Sanction Limitation and Exclusion
  • Communicable Diseases Exclusion
  • Cyber Exclusion
  • Total Asbestos


Cancellation of Group Policy

GEG or the policyholder can cancel this Group Policy by giving thirty days’ notice in writing. Cancellation of this Group Policy by GEG or the policyholder shall be without prejudice to any claim arising before the cancellation date. If the cancellation date of the policy is before the end of the insured person’s period of cover, their cover will end on the expiry date of the insurance cover.

Cancellation of insurance coverage

The policyholder or the insured person may cancel the insured person’s cover under this policy by writing to GEG. The date of cancellation will depend on when GEG receives the notice of cancellation from the policyholder or the insured person. There will be no premium refunded. 

Alterations to Policy

GEG may make alterations to the policy with the agreement of the policyholder. If the alteration of the policy is made during the insured person’s period of cover, the alteration will not affect their existing cover.

Claim Conditions

Reporting an accident

The insured person must give GEG full details of the accident as soon as possible, and in any case within 30 days about any event which may give rise to a claim under this policy. GEG has the right to reject the claim and GEG will not be liable to pay any claim if the accident is reported to GEG later than 30 days from the date of event.

Providing documents

The insured person or their legal representative must provide GEG all certificates, forms, bills, receipts, information and evidence at their own expense.  Any bills, receipts and other documents that GEG ask for to support a claim must be the original copies, unless agree otherwise in writing.

Terms of Renewal

This is a short-term personal accident policy and GEG is not required to renew this policy. GEG may terminate this policy by giving you 30 days’ notice in writing. There is no renewal for the insured person’s cover.

Disclaimers on exclusions:

There are certain conditions whereby the benefits under this policy will not be payable.  These are stated as exclusions in the contract.  You are advised to read the policy contract for the full list of exclusions.

Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme

This policy is protected under the Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme which is administered by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC). Coverage for your policy is automatic and no further action is required from you. For more information on the types of benefits that are covered under the scheme as well as the limits of coverage, where applicable, please contact us or visit the General Insurance Association (GIA) or SDIC web-sites ( or



Policy wording

NOTICE: This policy wording is available in English, Bahasa IndonesiaBengaliBurmeseChinese and Tamil. The English version shall always prevail in case of any discrepancy or inconsistency between the English version and its other translations.


Master Policy Number: A0756433

Name of Policyholder: SingCash Pte Ltd

Insured Person (s): Individual members nominated by the policyholder, as per declaration


Free 30-Day Dash Protect

(Personal Accident for Singtel Dash Remit customers)

In consideration of the payment of premium by the policyholder to us and subject to the terms, exceptions and conditions contained in this policy document or endorsement issued, we will pay compensation for loss described below if during the policy periodyou sustain injury as a result of an accident.

The policyholder agrees that the benefits under this group policy:

  • are provided free of charge to selected customers (‘you’) nominated by the policyholder;
  • can be changed or discontinued following a joint decision by the policyholder and us.




For death

If you sustain an injury as a result of an accident during the policy period which results in your death within 30 days of date of the accident, we will pay 100% of the capital sum insured.

For permanent disability

If you sustain an injury as a result of an accident during the policy period which results in permanent disability within 30 days of date of the accidentwe will pay a percentage of the capital sum insured. The percentage we will pay is shown in the table of benefits below.

Capital sum insured: S$5,000 (Singapore dollars five thousand only)

Table of benefits

Permanent disability (as certified by a medical practitioner) % of Capital Sum Insured

1. Total disability that prevents the insured person from:

  • performing any work, profession or occupation for a continuous period of at least 12 months; and
  • ever earning or getting any wages, payment or reward
2. Total and permanent loss of one or two limbs at or above the wrist or ankle 100%
3. Total and permanent loss of sight in one or both eyes 100%
4. Total and permanent loss of one limb and total loss of sight in one eye 100%
5. Total and permanent loss of speech and hearing in both ears 100%

The most we will pay under this section during the policy period is the capital sum insured of S$5,000.

If you die after we have paid compensation for any one of the permanent disabilities 1 to 5, we will not pay any compensation for death.



We will pay a cash benefit of S$100 if you have to stay in a hospital for at least 48 hours, as an inpatient, due to an injury as a result of an accident during the policy period.

We will only pay this allowance if you are admitted to a hospital within seven days after date of the accident, and a qualified medical practitioner confirms that this is medically necessary.

Separate stays in hospital due to the same or a related cause will be considered to be for the same injury, unless they are separated by at least 60 continuous non-inpatient days.


General conditions

1.      Eligibility

For cover to apply, you must be:

  • a Singaporean, Singapore permanent resident or an individual holding a valid Singapore identification document such as an Employment Pass, Work Permit, Long Term Visit Pass or Student Pass; and residing in Singapore during the policy period; and
  • aged between 16 and 85 on the start date of the policy period; and
  • having a valid Singtel Dash Remit Account and Dash Wallet Account.

2.      Arbitration

Any dispute arising out of or in connection with the policy must be referred to the Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre Ltd (FIDReC).

If the dispute cannot be brought before or dealt with by FIDReC, it will be settled by arbitration in Singapore, in line with the Arbitration Rules of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (the SIAC Rules) in force at the time.

The arbitration will be conducted in English by three arbitrators in Singapore.

3.      Cancellation of group policy

We or the policyholder can cancel this policy by giving thirty (30) days’ notice in writing. Cancellation of this group policy by us or the policyholder shall be without prejudice to any claim arising before the cancellation date. If the cancellation date is before the end of the policy period, the insurance coverage for you would end on the expiry date of the policy period.

4.      Cancellation of insurance coverage

We or you can cancel the insurance coverage under this policy by giving thirty (30) days’ notice in writing. Cancellation of insurance coverage by the us or you shall be without prejudice to any claim arising before the cancellation date and there will be no premium refunded.

5.      Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act

The policy conditions cannot be enforced by anybody other than the policyholderus or the insured person.

6.      Keeping to the policy

We will only be liable under the policy if you and the policyholder keep to all the terms and conditions.

7.      Interpretation

The policy and any amendment or endorsement issued should be read together. Any word or expression which has a specific meaning in this policy document has the same meaning in the endorsement.

8.      Governing Law

The policy will be governed and interpreted in line with the laws of Singapore.

9.      Notice and alterations

All notices given to us must be in writing. Any alteration or addition to the policy will only be valid if it is signed or initialled by an authorised officer of ours.

We may make alterations to the policy with the agreement of the policyholder. If the alteration of the policy is made during the your period of cover, it will not affect your existing cover.

10.   False information and fraud

If any information that you have provided in connection with the policy is untrue, inaccurate or incomplete, or any claim under the policy is fraudulent in any way, your cover under the policy will be declared void (treated as if it had never existed) and all cover will end immediately without a refund of premium.

11.   Paying claims

We will make all claim payments (except for death under section 1) under the policy to you. In the event of your death, claim payment will be made to the policyholder. Any receipt that you (or anyone acting on your behalf) give us for any claim payment we make under the policy will be proof that we have met our full obligation relating to the claim.

12.   Duplicate cover

If you have more than one cover under this policy, we will only pay up to the limit under the policy first issued.

13.   Reasonable precautions

You must take all reasonable precautions to prevent any accident or injury.

14.   Renewal

We are not legally obliged to send any notice of renewal or to renew the policy.

15.   Territorial limit

This policy will cover you for any injury arising within Singapore only.


Claim Conditions

1.       Abandonment of Claim

If we reject any claim under the cover, and the matter is not referred to arbitration (as set out above) within 12 calendar months from the date of our decision, that claim will be considered to have been abandoned and you cannot continue with it.

2.       Medical Examination

You must, when reasonably required by us, undergo a medical examination carried out by a medical practitioner appointed by usWe would pay for the examination.

3.       Reporting an accident

You must give us full details of the accident as soon as possible, and in any case within thirty (30) about any event which may give rise to a claim under the policyWe have the right to reject the claim and will not be liable to pay any claim if the accident is reported to us later than 30 days from the date of event.

4.       Providing documents

You must give us all certificates, forms, bills, receipts, information and evidence we ask for, at your own expense.  Any bills, receipts and other documents we ask for to support a claim must be the original copies, unless we agree otherwise in writing.

5.       Providing proof we ask for

If we ask for any proof of loss, you must send it to us within 30 days of the date of the loss.


General Exclusions

If we think that any of these general exclusion prevents the policy from covering any loss, damage or liability, and you disagree, you must provide proof that the exclusion does not apply. If you do not, the loss, damage, cost or expense will not be covered.

The policy does not cover any claim directly or indirectly caused by, or arising from or in connection with, the following.

1.      War, invasion and hostilities (whether war is declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, uprising or overthrowing of power, strike, riot, civil commotion.

2.     Ionising radiation, toxic contamination or radioactive contamination from nuclear fuel or the nuclear waste from burning nuclear fuel.

3.     Any deliberate acts of the insured person, including suicide, attempted suicide and self-inflicted injury.

4.     Mental and nervous disorders, including sleeping disorder, depression, insanity, stress and anxiety.

5.      Pregnancy, childbirth or miscarriage (unless caused or induced by an accident) or any associated condition or complication.

6.     Any kind of hernia.

7.      Any sexually transmitted disease, HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) or any AIDS-related condition.

8.     Provoked assault or any act or event the insured person provokes, instigates, participates in or plans, either directly or indirectly.

9.     The effect or influence of alcohol or of drugs that:

  • are not prescribed for (and used correctly by) you; or
  • are prescribed for the treatment of drug addiction, alcoholism or mental illness.

10.  Routine health checks, services and supplies not recommended by a medical practitioner, or preventive care or measures, including vaccinations and contraception.

11.  Dental surgery or treatment, unless it is needed as a result of an accident.

12.  Cosmetic or plastic surgery, unless it is needed as a result of an accident.

13.   Any pre-existing condition.

14.   Taking part in winter sports (such as skiing or snowboarding), big-game hunting, mountaineering, rock climbing, underwater activity (such as snorkelling, skin diving or scuba diving), motor sports, racing or speed contest of any kind (other than on foot), and any activity that involves being airborne (whether suspended or not).

15.   Any injury that arises in the course of your occupation, if your occupation is, or involves, any of the following.

a)     Taking part in naval, military, air force, civil defence, police, auxiliary police force (including CISCO personnel) or fire-service training, duties, services or operations, other than reservist training during peacetime

b)     Pilot, member of aircrew, or an occupation that involves working in or on an aircraft for the purpose of any trade, technical operation, or air travel other than as a fare-paying passenger on a fully licensed passenger-carrying airline.

c)      Professional sports player

16.   Communicable disease

Regardless of anything to the contrary set out in this policy document, the policy does not cover any actual or alleged loss, liability, damage, disease, injury or death, costs or any amounts you have to pay, if directly or indirectly caused by, arising from or in connection with a communicable disease, or the fear or threat of a communicable disease.

For the purpose of this exclusion, a communicable disease is any disease which can be spread from one organism to another by a substance or agent, including (but not limited to) a virus, bacterium, parasite or organism, whether living or not, and where:

  • the method the disease spreads by, whether directly or indirectly, includes (but is not limited to) through droplets or particles in the air, bodily fluids or contact with any surface or object – solid, liquid or gas; and
  • the disease, substance or agent can cause bodily injury, illness, emotional distress, damage to health or well-being, or damage to property.

17.   Cyber loss

Regardless of anything to the contrary set out in this policy document or any endorsement, the policy does not cover cyber loss.

Cyber loss means actual or alleged loss, damage, liability, disease, injury or death, costs or any amounts you have to pay, if directly or indirectly caused by, or arising from or in connection with, any:

  • unauthorised or malicious act;
  • threat of, or false statement relating to, any unauthorised or malicious act or acts;
  • error, omission or accident; or
  • act of not meeting legal or regulatory requirements;

involving any person or group having access to or using any data or computer system.

For the purpose of this exclusion, a computer system is any computer, hardware, software, application, process, code, program, information technology, communications system or electronic device. This includes any associated device, equipment or system, including routers, data-storage devices, networking equipment or back-up facilities.

18.   Electronic date

The policy does not cover any claims directly or indirectly caused by or arising from any computer, electronic equipment, microchip, circuit, device, or software failing to:

  • correctly recognise any date;
  • save or correctly interpret, process or apply any data, information or instruction as a result of any date being wrong; or
  • save or correctly interpret, process or apply any data as a result of any command or program not working on or after a particular date.

19.   Sanctions

We will not be considered to have provided cover, and will not be liable to pay any claim or provide any benefit under the policy, if doing so may, in our opinion, lead to us breaking or going against any sanction, prohibition, restriction or regulations set out by any state, country or organisation that operates across national borders (sanctions).

If you or any party associated with the policy, such as a policyholder, beneficial owner, insured person or beneficiary (an associated party):

  • is marked or listed as a person that sanctions apply to;
  • is involved in any way, whether directly or indirectly, with a party that sanctions apply to; or
  • has been charged, found guilty or had judgment taken against them under any local or foreign law or regulations that give effect to sanctions;

we may decide to do one or more of the following without having any liability to you or any associated party.

a)               Cancel any policy, contract, transaction or business, or treat it as if it had never existed

b)               Close-out any financial product or investment

c)                Cash in any financial product or investment

d)               Hold back any payment, transfer of money, refund or benefit

e)               Suspend any payment, transfer of money, refund or benefit

f)                 Refuse or reject any transaction or request

g)               Take any step or action necessary to remove, reduce or minimise the possibility of us breaking or going against any sanctions

You and any associated party (or both) will indemnify us (fully compensate and not hold us responsible) for any and all losses, damages, costs and expenses which we may suffer as a result of or in connection with your or any associated party’s actions or failure to act in relation to the sanctions, or us taking any of the actions a) to g) above.

20.   Terrorism

Regardless of anything to the contrary set out in this policy document or any endorsement, the policy does not cover any actual or alleged loss, damage, cost or expense directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from or in connection with terrorism.

For the purpose of this exclusion, terrorism is any action or threat of action, whether or not it involves force or violence, that is:

  • committed for political, religious, ideological or similar purposes;
  • intended to influence any government; and
  • designed to scare or intimidate the public or any section of the public.

The policy also does not cover any loss, damage, cost or expense directly or indirectly caused by or in connection with action taken to control, prevent or suppress any act of terrorism.

If we think that this exclusion prevents the policy from covering any loss, damage or liability, and you disagree, you must provide proof that this exclusion does not apply. If you do not, the loss, damage, cost or expense will not be covered.

If any part of this exclusion cannot be enforced, the rest of it will still apply and can be enforced.

21.   Total Asbestos

This policy shall not apply to and does not cover any actual or alleged liability for any claim in respect of loss directly or indirectly arising out of, resulting from or in consequence of asbestos in whatever form or quantity.




A sudden unexpected event which happens at an identified time and place and is the only cause of the death, injury, loss or damage you are claiming for.

Enrolment Confirmation

The SMS sent to your registered mobile number which proves that you are covered under this policy, containing details of the policy period and start date.


An institution that is lawfully run as a hospital and:

  • provides full-time care and treatment to inpatients;
  • has a staff of nurses;
  • has one or more medical practitioners available at all times; and
  • has facilities for diagnosis, including (if necessary) facilities for major surgery.

This does not include any institution or special unit used mainly:

  • as a community hospital, clinic, nursing home, rest home or convalescent home, or a similar establishment;
  • as a hydro, spa or nature-care hydroclinic; or
  • for the treatment of alcohol or drug addiction.

It also does not include any institution for mental or behavioural disorder, or the psychiatric department of a hospital.


Physical injury caused solely and directly by an accident and independently of any other cause. This excludes all medical conditions, illnesses, diseases, sickness, bacterial and viral infections, even if such conditions resulted from or were in any way connected with the accident.

Insured person (you, your)

The individual as declared by the policyholder to be covered under this policy and who meets the eligibility requirements as stated in this policy.

Medical practitioner

A person who is registered and legally qualified as a doctor, has a medical degree in Western medicine, and is authorised and licensed to practise medicine and surgery in Singapore

The medical practitioner cannot be you or

  • any member of your family or their family; or
  • your or their business partner, employer, employee or agent.


The contract of insurance between the policyholder and us, including any endorsements we have issued and the enrolment confirmation.

Policy Period

A period of 30 consecutive days from the start date as indicated in the enrolment confirmation to you.


SingCash Pte Ltd

Pre-Existing Condition

This means:

  • any condition, illness, disease, injury, disability or birth defect which you have received medical advice for, been diagnosed with, been hospitalised, received medical treatment for, or been prescribed drugs for, in the last 12 months before the policy started or was renewed; or
  • any signs and symptoms that appeared in the last 12 months before the policy started or was renewed and for which a cautious person could reasonably be expected to have received medical advice or counselling, undergone investigation, had diagnostic tests, received medical treatment, had surgery, been hospitalised, or been prescribed drugs.

Start date

The date of commencement of your cover under this policy as shown in the enrolment confirmation.

We (us, our)

Great Eastern General Insurance Limited.


Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme

This policy is protected under the Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme which is administered by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC). Coverage for your policy is automatic and no further action is required from you. For more information on the types of benefits that are covered under the scheme as well as the limits of coverage, where applicable, please contact us or visit the General Insurance Association (GIA) or SDIC web-sites ( or