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Great Legacy Programme

Pre-planning your care decisions with certainty and support

Imagine if you are unable make decisions on your daily lifestyle choices or manage your personal welfare, property and financial affairs anymore. This could happen when you lose mental capacity or even become terminally ill and unconscious.

Great Eastern recognises the growing interest among Singaporeans to proactively plan ahead to ensure that your decisions on what matters are executed by someone you trust on your behalf.

In support of the Pre-Planning Campaign launched by Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF), Ministry of Health (MOH), Public Service Division (PSD) and Agency for Integrated Care (AIC), Great Eastern has been encouraging customers to start pre-planning through tools like Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) and Advance Medical Directive (AMD).

Find out how having a LPA and AMD can benefit you and relieve the unnecessary stress on your family. 

Product summary View guide to Lasting Power of Attorney by Office of the Public Guardian

What is the Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)

A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal document that allows a person who is 21 years of age or older (Donor), and who has mental capacity, to voluntarily appoint one or more persons (Donee(s)), to make decisions and act on his behalf about his personal welfare, property & affairs matters or both matters when he lacks mental capacity to make those decisions in the future.

How does having an Lasting Power of Attorney benefit you?

Circle Image   Assurance on your care according to your wishes even when you lose mental capacity

Having a LPA ensures that your personal welfare, property, and financial affairs will be managed by your trusted person(s) i.e. Donee(s). He/she can make decisions on your behalf in case you lose the mental capacity to do so.   

Circle Image    Relieve emotional and financial burden on your family

By sharing clearly on how you want your finances and caregiving needs to be managed, you can minimise any potential conflicts within your family and also help them cooperate together to make a decision on your behalf.

Circle Image    Safeguard loved ones from unnecessary legal process

Protect your loved ones from the stress and hassle of engaging legal advice which can be costly and time-consuming.

How to make an Lasting Power of Attorney

Here's a step-by-step guide on how you can complete your LPA application. You can also refer to the application guide.

Step 1 Start your discussion with the people you have in mind as Donee(s) and have sufficient time to plan and discuss your LPA decision prior to the appointment.  
Step 2 Login to Office of the Public Guardian (OPGO) website via Singpass to fill up the application. Appoint trusted person(s) as your Donee(s) and Replacement Donee (if applicable) and decide on the type of powers to be given to them.
Step 3 After submission, your Donee(s) and Replacement Donee(s) (if any), will be notified. Donee(s) and Replacement Donee (if any) will log in to OPGO via Singpass to review your LPA, and accept their appointment.
Step 4 Visit a Certificate Issuer (an accredited medical practitioner, practicing lawyer*, or psychiatrist) to have the LPA certified and you must bring along your mobile phone for a qualified Certificate Issuer to validate your National Digital Identity on the SingPass mobile application. Your Donee(s) and Replacement Donee (if any) will not be required to attend this appointment.
Step 5

Your LPA will be registered by OPG if there are no objections raised within a 3- week wait time and you will be notified accordingly.

*This refers to a Singapore solicitor qualified to practice Singapore law in a Singapore law practice.

What is Advance Medical Directive

Advance Medical Directive (AMD) is a legal document that you sign in advance to inform the doctor treating you (in the event you become terminally ill and unconscious) that you do not want any extraordinary life-sustaining treatment (for e.g. ventilator or life support machine) to be used to prolong your life.

How can having an Advance Medical Directive support you?

Circle Image    Honour your wishes

Inform your attending doctor of your wishes of not prolonging your life with any extraordinary life-sustaining treatment in the event when you are terminally ill or unconscious.

Circle Image    Reduce the emotional stress of your loved ones

Share your end-of-life care wishes with your loved ones.  This can alleviate the stress of making the difficult medical decisions.


How to make an AMD application

Here are the step-by-step guide to your AMD application.

Step 1 Download and complete the AMD form and prep 2 witnesses to support your application. Note:
-  Witnesses must be 21 years old and above and have no vested interest in the patient's death. The first witness must be a registered medical practitioner.
Step 2 Bring along your completed AMD form and consult a registered medical practitioner with your second witness. The AMD form needs to be signed by you, the registered medical practitioner, and your second witness at the same sitting. 
Step 3 Submit the signed AMD form to Registrar of Advance Medical Directives at Ministry of Health. The Registrar will send you an acknowledgement when the directive has been registered. 


lpa clinic

Start your pre-planning with LPA and AMD certifications

Explore the importance of LPA and AMD certifications and hear from those who have completed their certification.

Great Eastern

Planning for your legacy beyond LPA and AMD certification 

Creating a will and reviewing your financial plan regularly to bridge any financial gaps are essential consideration for a comprehensive legacy

Learn more about how you can go about making a will and initiate a financial review with your financial representative to ensure that your insurance coverage continues to support adequately for you and your family.

More resources on pre-planning for life's final chapter