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Make a disability income claim

Did you know?

You can submit your claims via your Financial Representative, and they can also help follow up on your specific needs.

How to make a disability income claim

1. Download documents

You will need to submit the following documents for your claim.

Document Submission guidelines
Claimant's Statement To be completed with details of your claim
Clinical Abstract Application Submit this form for us to access your medical information
Doctor's Statement To provide us with details of your diagnosis
How to apply for a Doctor's Statement
The process is slightly different depending on the type of hospital at which your diagnosis was made. Note that the Doctor's Statement can only be completed by the doctor who certified your condition.
For restructured hospitals (public hospitals)
a. Download and print the Doctor's Statement template and bring it along with you to the hospital.
b. Apply through the hospital's Medical Report Office.
c. Make payment.
d. Your application may take approximately 6 to 8 weeks.
For private hospitals
a. Download and print the Doctor's Statement template and bring it along with you to the hospital.
b. Pass the Doctor's Statement to your attending doctor to complete during your visit.
c. Make payment.
d. Your Doctor's Statement will be completed during your visit.
2. Include supporting documents
In addition to the forms and documents in the previous step, we'll also require you to submit the following documents:
  • Copies of payslips for the 12 months prior to the commencement of your disability, and 3 months after the disability
  • Copy of your tax statement (e.g. IR8A form)
  • Copies of your medical certificates
  • Letter from your employer to certify that you (the life assured) is not being paid during the period of disability
  • Copy of termination of employment letter (if applicable)
  • All available laboratory and test results

3. Submission

By email

Submit the completed forms and supporting documents to us via email.

Attention to: Life Claims Department
Subject: Disability income claim

By walk-in or post

You can also visit us at our customer service centre, or send all forms and documents and supporting documents to us by post.

Attention to: Life Claims Department
The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company Limited
1 Pickering Street
Great Eastern Centre #01-01
Singapore 048659