- Customer Services
- Claims
- Medical / Hospitalisation
- Make a new medical and hospitalisation claim
Make a new medical and hospitalisation claim
Follow our step-by-step guide to make a new medical and hospitalisation claim.
Electronic filing submission (e-file)
Your claims can be electronically submitted for you by the hospital if you satisfy both of the following criteria:
a. You are covered under GREAT SupremeHealth
b. You are a Singapore citizen or permanent resident
No other action is required from you. You'll be notified by SMS once we receive your claim, and when it has been approved.
To ensure that you receive these important updates, ensure your contact information is up to date in our system.
Manual submission
A manual submission is required after your treatment/discharge for the following situations:
- You are not a Singapore citizen or permanent resident
- You are covered under Premier Health Plan or Hospital and Surgical Protector
- Your bills were incurred overseas
- You are submitting pre and post hospitalisation bills
Did you know?
You can submit your claims via your Financial Representative, and your Financial Representative can also help follow up on your specific needs.
How to make a new medical and hospitalisation claim
1. Download documents
You will need to submit the following documents for your new medical and hospitalisation claims
Document | Purpose |
Claimant's Statement | To be completed with details of your claim |
Clinical Abstract Application | To allow us to access your medical information |
Doctor's Statement | Applicable if your claim is more than SGD2,000, or more than your plan's deductible amount. To be completed by your attending doctor |
- Original final hospital/medical bills and receipts
- Copy of your hospital bill will be accepted for Hospitalisation Benefit, Lifetime Hospital Benefit claim, stand-alone Hospital Cash Protector (HCP) claim, Premier Medicash claim, and Hospital Income Benefit Rider
- Copy of itemised bill (Applicable for Hospitalisation Claim)
- Hospital discharge summary report (if available)
- Copy of reimbursement letter/discharge voucher from the insurer or employer (if there was previous reimbursement from another insurer or employer)
- Copy of the MediSave Payment and Claims statement (if your MediSave was used to pay for part of your hospital/medical bills)
- You can retrieve your statement on the CPF website under Latest healthcare payments and claims.
3. Submission
By email
Submit the completed forms and supporting documents to us via email.
Attention to: Health Claim Services
Email: claims-submission@greateasternlife.com
Subject: New medical and hospitalisation claim
By walk-in or post
You can also visit us at our customer service centre, or send all forms and documents and supporting documents to us by post.
Attention to: Health Claim Services
The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company Limited
1 Pickering Street
Great Eastern Centre #01-01
Singapore 048659
You'll be notified by SMS once your claim has been approved.
To ensure that you receive these important updates, ensure your contact information is up to date in our system.
Claims processing duration
The following claims return rate table shows how long it takes for us to process Integrated Shield Plan (IP) claims with positive payouts. Note that the durations below do not apply to rider claims.
Median claims processing duration (days) | 75th percentile processing claims duration |
0 (same day) | 0 |
- Data period is from 1 to 28 Feb 2025.
- Median claims processing duration means that 50 out of 100 claims are processed by the insurer within the indicated number of days in the table.
- 75th percentile claims processing duration means that 75 out of 100 claims are processed by the insurer within the indicated number of days in the table.
- Our information is published on a monthly basis, whereas Ministry of Health (MOH) website publishes on a quarterly basis.
Payment process
Questions and answers
GREAT SupremeHealth, which is an Integrated Shield Plan, consists of 2 parts:
a. MediShield Life (Basic component) which is compulsory and administered by CPF Board
b. An additional private insurance coverage portion provided by Great Eastern.
The final payout from the integrated GREAT SupremeHealth will comprise the MediShield Life payout and GREAT SupremeHealth’s additional insurance coverage payout.
If you are a Singapore citizen or permanent resident who has MediShield Life, and uses MediSave to pay for the GREAT SupremeHealth premium, you will be covered under the integrated GREAT SupremeHealth.
Expenses incurred are subject to deductible and co-insurance, where applicable.
Deductible is the initial amount the life assured needs to pay in period of insurance (policy year) before any payout from the GREAT SupremeHealth can be made.
Co-insurance is proportion of the claim the life assured needs to pay after the deduction of the deductible. It is expressed as a percentage of the total claimable amount.
Benefits listed below are not subject to deductible:
- Outpatient Kidney Dialysis Treatment
- Outpatient Cancer Treatment (Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy, Immunotherapy, Stereotactic Radiotherapy)
- Erythropoietin
- Immunosuppressant drugs prescribed for treatment of organ transplants
However, the co-insurance of 10% shall apply.
Day surgery refers to the situation where a patient undergoes an operation in a hospital or a day surgery centre which is a MediShield Life-accredited medical institution, performed by a duly qualified medical doctor and involving local or general anaesthesia.
The surgical expenses include the fees and charges for anaesthetics and oxygen and their administration, and use of operating theatre and facilities. Surgery excludes Accidental Dental Treatment. A day surgery done in a clinic or polyclinic which is not participating in MediShield Life Scheme is not covered.
Find out the list of medical institutions participating in MediShield Life (PDF).
Room & Board refers to accommodation in a hospital, including meals and general nursing, during confinement as a bed-paying patient. Deluxe rooms, luxury suites or other special rooms that cost more than a standard single room are excluded.
High Dependency Ward is not classified under ICU. It is recognised as within the standard Room & Board charges.
This is a waiver of deductible and co-insurance (D&C). This benefit will come into effect upon the insured person’s death during hospitalisation or after discharge from the hospital.
The D&C, which must be incurred during the same period of insurance in which death occurs, will be reimbursed up to the limits for the plan type insured, provided that death is a result of the cause of the hospitalisation. If the insured person’s death is a result of self-inflicted injuries, suicide or attempted suicide, whether sane or insane, the final expenses benefit will not be claimable.
A short-stay ward is a ward in an accident and emergency department of a restructured hospital for patients who need a short period of inpatient monitoring and treatment.
Hospitals can only e-file the claim if confinement in the short-stay ward is more than 8 hours. If the confinement is less than 8 hours, you'll need to submit the claim manually with the Hospital Claim Form and original final bill.
You'll need to go back to the hospital/day surgery centre to ask for e-filing to be done. Please note that some hospitals/day surgery centres will charge an administrative fee for such requests, which is to be borne by the policyholder.
You will have to present a third party Letter of Guarantee (LOG) to the hospital and request the hospital to bill the third party LOG as first payer, followed by GREAT SupremeHealth (second payer) during the financial counselling session with the hospital of how the bill may be covered by the third party LOG under employee benefits, an Integrated Shield plan, MediSave and government subsidies (where applicable).
A third party LOG is provided to you by the other insurer under your employer's Group Hospital & Surgical policy if you are eligible. You can check with your company's human resource on your eligibility.
Yes, you will need to bring the other insurer's claim settlement letter to the hospital/day surgery centre and request them to submit the claim electronically (e-file), inclusive of the claim settlement amount paid by Group Hospital & Surgical under GREAT SupremeHealth.
At the same time, you will need to notify claims department by submitting a copy of the Group Hospital & Surgical claim settlement letter to us.
You will need to submit the original final hospital bill to your company insurer together with a copy of our settlement letter to claim the balance of the hospital bill not covered under the integrated plan.
Submit a copy of the "MediSave payment and claims" statement together with your final medical bills. You can follow the steps outlined below to download your CPF MediSave Transaction statement.
a. Log in to my cpf Online Services with your Singpass.
b. Click on My Statement at the sidebar.
c. Scoll to Section B and select MediSave and Healthcare Insurance Claims and Reimbursement.
d. Select the relevant dates and click Proceed.
e. Click on the amount at MediSave Payment or MediShield Life/Integrated Shield Plan Payment to view the claim details.
No. Our hospitalisation plans do not cover for outpatient treatment at the A&E department of a hospital due to an illness. Where applicable, you should claim from your employee benefits for outpatient treatment.
Yes. Emergency outpatient treatment covers accidental injuries and is only applicable to hospitalisation plans that provide benefit for emergency outpatient treatment to bodily injuries due to an accident. Refer to the terms and conditions of your hospitalisation plan for eligibility.
If the medical or surgical treatment is medically necessary as a result of an emergency while overseas, GREAT SupremeHealth will reimburse the eligible expenses incurred up to the limits stated in the GREAT SupremeHealth Benefit Schedule, subjected to reasonable and customary charges in Singapore.
Emergency is contractually defined as a serious injury or illness or the onset of a serious medical condition which, in our opinion, requires urgent remedial treatment within 24 hours from the discovery of the injury or illness or experiencing an onset of the serious medical condition to avoid death or serious impairment to your immediate or long-term health.
Under GREAT TotalCare Plus (ESSENTIAL), he coverage for expenses incurred outside Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Brunei, Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia, and Laos will be limited to reasonable and customary charges in Singapore.
Under GREAT TotalCare Plus (ADVANCE), if you have resided outside Singapore for more than 90 days, whether continuously or otherwise during the period of insurance, any eligible expenses incurred outside of Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Brunei, Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia, and Laos will be limited to reasonable and customary charges in Singapore.
Note: The 1st 90 days start from the date of departure from the country of residence
Day surgery performed in a specialist clinic or hospital may be paid after assessment of the claim. However, day surgery performed by a general practitioner is not payable.