// function to create inner content for modal level two
let modalTwoInnerContent = (className, title, promoCopy) => (`
Start now
//function to generate radio buttons
function generateRadioButtons(options, groupName) {
// Helper function to generate a single radio item
const createRadioItem = (option, index) => {
const id = `${groupName}-option-${index + 1}`; // Unique ID for each option
return `
// Generate all radio items
const radioItems = options.map((option, index) => createRadioItem(option, index)).join("");
// Wrap the radio items in the section structure
return `
// function to create inner content for modal level two
let modalThreeInnerContent = (className, questionOne, questionTwo) => (`
// function to create markup for modals on level two and three
let quizModalfn = (className, quizName, image, modalInnerHtml, modalClassNameOne, modalClassNametwo) => (`
// markup for quiz modal level one
let quizModalLV1 = `
Take our simple quizzes and win instant rewards today!
Take part in our simple quizzes and win instant rewards today!
// function to create the initial modal markup
let modalMarkup = () => (`
/* ---- DOM Manipulation ---- */
// current url path
const currentPath = window.location.pathname;
// Dom manipulation for quiz variation
if (variationPages.includes(currentPath)) {
// preload images
// insert quiz icon
if (document.querySelector('.quiz-icon-container')) return;
document.querySelector('main.container .cmp-container > .aem-Grid').insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', quizIconHtml);
let eventLabel = '[vwo_ce_rtg] rewards quiz - healthy heart - win prizes - static';
gaEventTrigger('impression', eventLabel);
// insert modal markup
document.querySelectorAll('main.container .cmp-container > .aem-Grid')[0].insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', modalMarkup())
// click handler function for variation pages
function clickHandler(event) {
const { target } = event;
//console.log('target: ', target);
// Utility: Toggle modal visibility
const toggleModal = (selector, addClass, removeClass) => {
const modal = document.querySelector(selector);
if (modal) {
if (addClass !== null) modal.classList.add(addClass);
if (removeClass !== null) modal.classList.remove(removeClass);
// Utility: Map class names to modal numbers
const getModalNum = () => {
if (target.closest('.healthy-heart-quiz-one')) return 0;
if (target.closest('.healthy-heart-quiz-two')) return 1;
if (target.closest('.word-search-edition-three')) return 2;
return null; // Default if no match found
// Utility: Clear form errors
const clearFormErrors = () => {
document.querySelector('.form-section .error-copy')?.remove();
// Handle: Quiz icon click (open modal)
if (target.closest('.quiz-icon-container .quiz-icon')) {
toggleModal('.quiz-modal-container', 'modal--visible', 'modal--hidden');
// click on quiz icon
let eventLabel = '[vwo_ce_rtg] rewards quiz - healthy heart - win prizes - static';
let eventJourneyCTA = 'vworq-hh-win prizes-static';
gaEventTrigger('click', eventLabel, eventJourneyCTA);
// Handle: Quiz cross icon click (cross icon)
if (target.closest('.quiz-icon-container .cross-icon')) {
// hide quiz icon
let eventLabel = '[vwo_ce_rtg] rewards quiz - healthy heart - win prizes - static';
gaEventTrigger('close', eventLabel);
// Handle: Close modal
if (
target.closest('.modal-cross-button .cross-icon') ||
) {
// step 1 modal - close
if (target.closest('.quiz-modal-content.quiz-level-one .modal-cross-button .cross-icon')) {
let eventLabel = `[vwo_ce_rtg] rewards quiz - healthy heart - step 1 - select quiz - static`;
gaEventTrigger('close', eventLabel);
// step 2 modal - close
if (target.closest('.quiz-modal-content.quiz-level-two .modal-cross-button .cross-icon')) {
let quizName = document.querySelector('.quiz-modal.quiz-modal-two')?.getAttribute('quiz-name').split('-')[1].toLowerCase().trim();
let eventLabel = `[vwo_ce_rtg] rewards quiz - healthy heart - step 2 - start now - ${quizName} - static`;
gaEventTrigger('close', eventLabel);
// step 3 - close
if (target.closest('.quiz-modal-content.quiz-level-three .modal-cross-button .cross-icon')) {
let quizName = document.querySelector('.quiz-modal.quiz-modal-three')?.getAttribute('quiz-name').split('-')[1].toLowerCase().trim();
let eventLabel = `[vwo_ce_rtg] rewards quiz - healthy heart - step 3 - continue - ${quizName} - static`;
gaEventTrigger('close', eventLabel);
toggleModal('.quiz-modal-container', 'modal--hidden', 'modal--visible');
document.querySelectorAll('.quiz-modal.quiz-modal-three, .quiz-modal.quiz-modal-two').forEach(modal => modal.remove());
toggleModal('.quiz-modal.quiz-modal-one', null, 'hide-modal'); // Unhide modal one
// Handle: Click on modal cards
if (target.closest('.quiz-modal-one .quiz-card')) {
const modalNum = getModalNum();
if (modalNum !== null) {
const { quizName, quizNumber, className, image, promoCopy, details } = collections[modalNum];
const modalTwoInnerHtml = modalTwoInnerContent(className, quizName, promoCopy, details);
const modalTwoMarkup = quizModalfn(className, quizName, image, modalTwoInnerHtml, 'quiz-modal-two', 'quiz-level-two');
document.querySelector('.quiz-modal.quiz-modal-one').insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', modalTwoMarkup);
toggleModal('.quiz-modal.quiz-modal-one', 'hide-modal', null);
// step 1 - popup card click
let quizTitle = quizNumber.toLowerCase();
let eventLabel = `[vwo_ce_rtg] rewards quiz - healthy heart - step 1 - select quiz - ${quizTitle} - static`;
let eventJourneyCTA = `vworq-hh-1-${quizTitle}-static`;
gaEventTrigger('click', eventLabel, eventJourneyCTA);
// Handle: Click on quiz start button in modal two
if (target.closest('.quiz-modal.quiz-modal-two .quiz-button')) {
const questionModalNum = getModalNum();
if (questionModalNum !== null) {
const { quizName, quizNumber, className, image, questionOne, questionTwo } = collections[questionModalNum];
const modalThreeInnerHtml = modalThreeInnerContent(className, questionOne, questionTwo);
const modalThreeMarkup = quizModalfn(className, quizName, image, modalThreeInnerHtml, 'quiz-modal-three', 'quiz-level-three');
document.querySelector('.quiz-modal.quiz-modal-one').insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', modalThreeMarkup);
toggleModal('.quiz-modal.quiz-modal-two', 'hide-modal', null);
// step 2 - start now CTA click
let quizTitle = quizNumber.toLowerCase();
let eventLabel = `[vwo_ce_rtg] rewards quiz - healthy heart - step 2 - start now - ${quizTitle} - static`;
let eventJourneyCTA = `vworq-hh-2-${quizTitle}-static`;
gaEventTrigger('click', eventLabel, eventJourneyCTA);
// Handle: Click on quiz button in modal three (final action)
if (target.closest('.quiz-modal.quiz-modal-three .quiz-button')) {
const questionModalNum = getModalNum();
if (questionModalNum !== null) {
const { url, quizNumber } = collections[questionModalNum];
// Validate input and process quiz data
validationAndProcessQuizData(url, quizNumber);
// Handle: Input focus (clear errors)
if (target.closest('input#form-quiestion-one') || target.closest('input#form-quiestion-two')) {
// Attach click handler to the document
document.body.addEventListener('click', clickHandler);
function touchStartEventHandler(event) {
const { target } = event;
//console.log('target touch: ', target);
// Utility: Toggle modal visibility
const toggleModal = (selector, addClass, removeClass) => {
const modal = document.querySelector(selector);
if (modal) {
// Handle: Close modal
if (
target.closest('.modal-cross-button .cross-icon') ||
) {
// step 1 - close
if (target.closest('.quiz-modal-content.quiz-level-one .modal-cross-button .cross-icon')) {
let eventLabel = `[vwo_ce_rtg] rewards quiz - healthy heart - step 1 - select quiz - static`;
gaEventTrigger('close', eventLabel);
// step 2 - close
if (target.closest('.quiz-modal-content.quiz-level-two .modal-cross-button .cross-icon')) {
let quizName = document.querySelector('.quiz-modal.quiz-modal-two')?.getAttribute('quiz-name').split('-')[1].toLowerCase().trim();
let eventLabel = `[vwo_ce_rtg] rewards quiz - healthy heart - step 2 - start now - ${quizName} - static`;
gaEventTrigger('close', eventLabel);
// step 3 - close
if (target.closest('.quiz-modal-content.quiz-level-three .modal-cross-button .cross-icon')) {
let quizName = document.querySelector('.quiz-modal.quiz-modal-three')?.getAttribute('quiz-name').split('-')[1].toLowerCase().trim();
let eventLabel = `[vwo_ce_rtg] rewards quiz - healthy heart - step 3 - continue - ${quizName} - static`;
gaEventTrigger('close', eventLabel);
toggleModal('.quiz-modal-container', 'modal--hidden', 'modal--visible');
document.querySelectorAll('.quiz-modal.quiz-modal-three, .quiz-modal.quiz-modal-two').forEach(modal => modal.remove());
toggleModal('.quiz-modal.quiz-modal-one', null, 'hide-modal'); // Unhide modal one
if (isTouchDevice()) {
document.body.addEventListener('touchstart', touchStartEventHandler)
// Dom manipulation to populate the quiz modal
if (quizPages.includes(currentPath)) {
// Retrieve and parse quiz data from sessionStorage
const quizData = sessionStorage.getItem('quizData');
if (quizData) {
try {
const [url, answerOne, answerTwo] = JSON.parse(quizData);
const currentUrl = window.location.href;
// Check if the current URL matches the stored URL
if (currentUrl.includes(url)) {
document.querySelectorAll(`.cmp-form .leo-radio__input input[value="${answerOne}"]`)[0].click();
document.querySelectorAll(`.cmp-form .leo-radio__input input[value="${answerTwo}"]`)[0].click();
} catch (error) {
//console.error('Failed to parse quiz data from sessionStorage:', error);
// Return if the test ran already!
if (document.querySelector(`.${test.id}`)) return;
// Polling conditions
if (document.querySelector('main.container .cmp-container > .aem-Grid')) {
try {
// Activate test
setTimeout(function () { test.init() }, 1000)
// Success log
console.log('Vertis Digital: EXP-10: V: 1:05');
} catch (error) {
// Error log
console.log(`Initialization Error:`, error);
} else {
Date.now() < timeInFuture
? setTimeout(loadVariation.bind({}, timeInFuture), 25)
: console.log("loadVariation timed out!");
})(Date.now() + 60000);
// End variation JS
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// Call the function to initiate the process
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!vwo_$("head").find("#1739333374787").length && vwo_$('head').append(_vwo_sel);
// Start variation JS
void (function loadVariation(timeInFuture) {
// Main Test object
const test = {
// Some test specific global letiables
id: "EXP-10-V2",
// Test init
init: function () {
// Add a test specific classname to the body element
// Below function calls order is important
// Main JS
mainJS: function () {
/* ---- LOGO ---- */
const crossIcon = `
const newCrossIcon = `
/* ---- DATA ---- */
// quiz data
const collections = [
quizName: "Healthy heart, Happy life - Quiz 1",
quizNumber: "quiz 1",
className: "healthy-heart-quiz-one",
image: "https://www.greateasternlife.com/content/dam/corp-site/great-eastern/sg/gels-dme-rewards/health-programme/heart-health/gels-dme-rewards-heart-health-quiz-1.jpg",
coverImage: "https://www.greateasternlife.com/content/dam/corp-site/great-eastern/sg/gels-dme-rewards/health-programme/heart-health/gels-dme-rewards-heart-health-quiz-1.jpg",
url: "https://www.greateasternlife.com/sg/en/personal-insurance/lifepedia/healthy-heart-happy-life/heart-health-and-you-quiz-1.html",
header: "Healthy heart, Happy life - Quiz 1",
quizDate: "Jan 06, 2025",
promoCopy: "Answer 3 simple questions and win an exclusive prize from Eu Yan Sang worth $15!",
questionOne: [
"1. One should see a ____________ if he/she is experiencing chest pain and shortness of breath as it could be a possible sign of heart disease and heart failure.",
["Cardiologist", "Dentist", "Gastroenterologist"]
questionTwo: [
"2. These chronic conditions – diabetes, high blood pressure, and high ___________ (also known as the “Three Highs”), are usually asymptomatic and may be unnoticed. It has been observed that patients are also developing these conditions at an increasingly earlier age.",
["Blood count", "Cholesterol", "Fever"]
quizName: "Healthy heart, Happy life - Quiz 2",
quizNumber: "quiz 2",
className: "healthy-heart-quiz-two",
image: "https://www.greateasternlife.com/content/dam/corp-site/great-eastern/sg/gels-dme-rewards/health-programme/heart-health/gels-dme-rewards-heart-health-quiz-2.jpg",
coverImage: "https://www.greateasternlife.com/content/dam/corp-site/great-eastern/sg/gels-dme-rewards/health-programme/heart-health/gels-dme-rewards-heart-health-quiz-2-thumbnail.jpg",
url: "https://www.greateasternlife.com/sg/en/personal-insurance/lifepedia/healthy-heart-happy-life/huat-the-heart-wants-quiz-2.html",
header: "Healthy heart, Happy life - Quiz 2",
quizDate: "Jan 20, 2025",
promoCopy: "Answer 3 simple questions and win an exclusive prize from Fitness First worth $60!",
questionOne: [
"1. Even though pineapple tarts are everywhere for the festive season, I should limit my intake to ____ pieces because it is equivalent to 7 teaspoons of sugar, which is within our recommended daily intake of 10 teaspoons.",
["2", "4", "6"]
questionTwo: [
"2. Nian gao, nian gao, in the box… which is the most calorie-loaded of them all?",
["Steamed", "Fried"]
// quiz icon links
const animatedIcon = "https://useruploads.visualwebsiteoptimizer.com/useruploads/722219/images/7a172faba185610e9d0a41c2db03373b_quizicon01.gif";
// quiz image links
const imageUrls = [
// array of quiz pages
const quizPages = [
// array of pages to show quiz logo
const variationPages = [
/* ---- Utility Functions ---- */
// // image preload function
function preloadImages(imageUrls) {
imageUrls.forEach(url => {
const img = new Image();
img.src = url;
// function to validate and process quiz data
function validationAndProcessQuizData(quizUrl, quizNumber) {
// Cache form elements
const formSection = document.querySelector('.form-section');
const questionOneInput = document.querySelectorAll('.form-group-one .radio-item input:checked')[0];
const questionTwoInput = document.querySelectorAll('.form-group-two .radio-item input:checked')[0];
// Validation: Check if questions are answered
const isEmpty = !(questionOneInput?.value) || !(questionTwoInput?.value.trim());
const existingError = formSection.querySelector('.error-copy');
const errorHtml = `
Please complete the questions.
if (isEmpty) {
// Add error message if it doesn't exist
if (!existingError) {
formSection.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', errorHtml);
return; // Exit the function
// Remove error if validation passes
if (existingError) {
// Prepare quiz data
const quizData = [
// Store the data in session storage
sessionStorage.setItem('quizData', JSON.stringify(quizData));
// step 3 - continue CTA click
let quizName = quizNumber.toLowerCase();
let eventLabel = `[vwo_ce_rtg] rewards quiz - healthy heart - step 3 - continue - ${quizName} - animated`;
let eventJourneyCTA = `vworq-hh-3-${quizName}-animated`;
gaEventTrigger('click', eventLabel, eventJourneyCTA);
// Redirect to the quiz URL
window.location.href = quizUrl;
// function to trigger GA events
function gaEventTrigger(eventAction, eventLabel, eventJourneyCTA = '') {
event: "vwoEvent",
eventDetails: {
category: "[vwo] sticky icon",
action: eventAction,
label: eventLabel
contentSubcategory: "healthy heart quiz",
...(eventJourneyCTA ? { journeyCta: eventJourneyCTA } : {})
// fuction to detect touch device
const isTouchDevice = () => {
return (
'ontouchstart' in window || // Check for touch events
navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0 || // Check for touch points
navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0 // Microsoft-specific touch points
/* ---- HTML Templates Markup and Functions ---- */
// create Quiz cards markup
const createQuizCard = (className, coverImage, header, quizDate) => {
return (`
// function to create inner content for modal level two
let modalTwoInnerContent = (className, title, promoCopy) => (`
Start now
//function to generate radio buttons
function generateRadioButtons(options, groupName) {
// Helper function to generate a single radio item
const createRadioItem = (option, index) => {
const id = `${groupName}-option-${index + 1}`; // Unique ID for each option
return `
// Generate all radio items
const radioItems = options.map((option, index) => createRadioItem(option, index)).join("");
// Wrap the radio items in the section structure
return `
// function to create inner content for modal level two
let modalThreeInnerContent = (className, questionOne, questionTwo) => (`
// function to create markup for modals on level two and three
let quizModalfn = (className, quizName, image, modalInnerHtml, modalClassNameOne, modalClassNametwo) => (`
// markup for quiz modal level one
let quizModalLV1 = `
Take our simple quizzes and win instant rewards today!
Take part in our simple quizzes and win instant rewards today!
// function to create the initial modal markup
let modalMarkup = () => (`
// function to create inner content for modal level two
let modalTwoInnerContent = (className, title, promoCopy) => (`
Start now
//function to generate radio buttons
function generateRadioButtons(options, groupName) {
// Helper function to generate a single radio item
const createRadioItem = (option, index) => {
const id = `${groupName}-option-${index + 1}`; // Unique ID for each option
return `
// Generate all radio items
const radioItems = options.map((option, index) => createRadioItem(option, index)).join("");
// Wrap the radio items in the section structure
return `
// function to create inner content for modal level two
let modalThreeInnerContent = (className, questionOne, questionTwo) => (`
// function to create markup for modals on level two and three
let quizModalfn = (className, quizName, image, modalInnerHtml, modalClassNameOne, modalClassNametwo) => (`
// markup for quiz modal level one
let quizModalLV1 = `
Take our simple quizzes and win instant rewards today!
Take part in our simple quizzes and win instant rewards today!
// function to create the initial modal markup
let modalMarkup = () => (`
/* ---- DOM Manipulation ---- */
// current url path
const currentPath = window.location.pathname;
// Dom manipulation for quiz variation
if (variationPages.includes(currentPath)) {
// preload images
// insert quiz icon
if (document.querySelector('.quiz-icon-container')) return;
document.querySelector('main.container .cmp-container > .aem-Grid').insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', quizIconHtml);
let eventLabel = '[vwo_ce_rtg] rewards quiz - healthy heart - win prizes';
gaEventTrigger('impression', eventLabel);
// insert modal markup
document.querySelectorAll('main.container .cmp-container > .aem-Grid')[0].insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', modalMarkup())
// click handler function for variation pages
function clickHandler(event) {
const { target } = event;
//console.log('target: ', target);
// Utility: Toggle modal visibility
const toggleModal = (selector, addClass, removeClass) => {
const modal = document.querySelector(selector);
if (modal) {
if (addClass !== null) modal.classList.add(addClass);
if (removeClass !== null) modal.classList.remove(removeClass);
// Utility: Map class names to modal numbers
const getModalNum = () => {
if (target.closest('.healthy-heart-quiz-one')) return 0;
if (target.closest('.healthy-heart-quiz-two')) return 1;
if (target.closest('.word-search-edition-three')) return 2;
return null; // Default if no match found
// Utility: Clear form errors
const clearFormErrors = () => {
document.querySelector('.form-section .error-copy')?.remove();
// Handle: Quiz icon click (open modal)
if (target.closest('.quiz-icon-container .quiz-icon')) {
toggleModal('.quiz-modal-container', 'modal--visible', 'modal--hidden');
// click on quiz icon
let eventLabel = '[vwo_ce_rtg] rewards quiz - healthy heart - win prizes';
let eventJourneyCTA = 'vworq-hh-win prizes';
gaEventTrigger('click', eventLabel, eventJourneyCTA);
// Handle: Quiz cross icon click (cross icon)
if (target.closest('.quiz-icon-container .cross-icon')) {
// hide quiz icon
let eventLabel = '[vwo_ce_rtg] rewards quiz - healthy heart - win prizes';
gaEventTrigger('close', eventLabel);
// Handle: Close modal
if (
target.closest('.modal-cross-button .cross-icon') ||
) {
// step 1 modal - close
if (target.closest('.quiz-modal-content.quiz-level-one .modal-cross-button .cross-icon')) {
let eventLabel = `[vwo_ce_rtg] rewards quiz - healthy heart - step 1 - select quiz`;
gaEventTrigger('close', eventLabel);
// step 2 modal - close
if (target.closest('.quiz-modal-content.quiz-level-two .modal-cross-button .cross-icon')) {
let quizName = document.querySelector('.quiz-modal.quiz-modal-two')?.getAttribute('quiz-name').split('-')[1].toLowerCase().trim();
let eventLabel = `[vwo_ce_rtg] rewards quiz - healthy heart - step 2 - start now - ${quizName}`;
gaEventTrigger('close', eventLabel);
// step 3 - close
if (target.closest('.quiz-modal-content.quiz-level-three .modal-cross-button .cross-icon')) {
let quizName = document.querySelector('.quiz-modal.quiz-modal-three')?.getAttribute('quiz-name').split('-')[1].toLowerCase().trim();
let eventLabel = `[vwo_ce_rtg] rewards quiz - healthy heart - step 3 - continue - ${quizName}`;
gaEventTrigger('close', eventLabel);
toggleModal('.quiz-modal-container', 'modal--hidden', 'modal--visible');
document.querySelectorAll('.quiz-modal.quiz-modal-three, .quiz-modal.quiz-modal-two').forEach(modal => modal.remove());
toggleModal('.quiz-modal.quiz-modal-one', null, 'hide-modal'); // Unhide modal one
// Handle: Click on modal cards
if (target.closest('.quiz-modal-one .quiz-card')) {
const modalNum = getModalNum();
if (modalNum !== null) {
const { quizName, quizNumber, className, image, promoCopy, details } = collections[modalNum];
const modalTwoInnerHtml = modalTwoInnerContent(className, quizName, promoCopy, details);
const modalTwoMarkup = quizModalfn(className, quizName, image, modalTwoInnerHtml, 'quiz-modal-two', 'quiz-level-two');
document.querySelector('.quiz-modal.quiz-modal-one').insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', modalTwoMarkup);
toggleModal('.quiz-modal.quiz-modal-one', 'hide-modal', null);
// step 1 - popup card click
let quizTitle = quizNumber.toLowerCase();
let eventLabel = `[vwo_ce_rtg] rewards quiz - healthy heart - step 1 - select quiz - ${quizTitle}`;
let eventJourneyCTA = `vworq-hh-1-${quizTitle}`;
gaEventTrigger('click', eventLabel, eventJourneyCTA);
// Handle: Click on quiz start button in modal two
if (target.closest('.quiz-modal.quiz-modal-two .quiz-button')) {
const questionModalNum = getModalNum();
if (questionModalNum !== null) {
const { quizName, quizNumber, className, image, questionOne, questionTwo } = collections[questionModalNum];
const modalThreeInnerHtml = modalThreeInnerContent(className, questionOne, questionTwo);
const modalThreeMarkup = quizModalfn(className, quizName, image, modalThreeInnerHtml, 'quiz-modal-three', 'quiz-level-three');
document.querySelector('.quiz-modal.quiz-modal-one').insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', modalThreeMarkup);
toggleModal('.quiz-modal.quiz-modal-two', 'hide-modal', null);
// step 2 - start now CTA click
let quizTitle = quizNumber.toLowerCase();
let eventLabel = `[vwo_ce_rtg] rewards quiz - healthy heart - step 2 - start now - ${quizTitle}`;
let eventJourneyCTA = `vworq-hh-2-${quizTitle}`;
gaEventTrigger('click', eventLabel, eventJourneyCTA);
// Handle: Click on quiz button in modal three (final action)
if (target.closest('.quiz-modal.quiz-modal-three .quiz-button')) {
const questionModalNum = getModalNum();
if (questionModalNum !== null) {
const { url, quizNumber } = collections[questionModalNum];
// Validate input and process quiz data
validationAndProcessQuizData(url, quizNumber);
// Handle: Input focus (clear errors)
if (target.closest('input#form-quiestion-one') || target.closest('input#form-quiestion-two')) {
// Attach click handler to the document
document.body.addEventListener('click', clickHandler);
function touchStartEventHandler(event) {
const { target } = event;
//console.log('target touch: ', target);
// Utility: Toggle modal visibility
const toggleModal = (selector, addClass, removeClass) => {
const modal = document.querySelector(selector);
if (modal) {
// Handle: Close modal
if (
target.closest('.modal-cross-button .cross-icon') ||
) {
// step 1 - close
if (target.closest('.quiz-modal-content.quiz-level-one .modal-cross-button .cross-icon')) {
let eventLabel = `[vwo_ce_rtg] rewards quiz - healthy heart - step 1 - select quiz`;
gaEventTrigger('close', eventLabel);
// step 2 - close
if (target.closest('.quiz-modal-content.quiz-level-two .modal-cross-button .cross-icon')) {
let quizName = document.querySelector('.quiz-modal.quiz-modal-two')?.getAttribute('quiz-name').split('-')[1].toLowerCase().trim();
let eventLabel = `[vwo_ce_rtg] rewards quiz - healthy heart - step 2 - start now - ${quizName}`;
gaEventTrigger('close', eventLabel);
// step 3 - close
if (target.closest('.quiz-modal-content.quiz-level-three .modal-cross-button .cross-icon')) {
let quizName = document.querySelector('.quiz-modal.quiz-modal-three')?.getAttribute('quiz-name').split('-')[1].toLowerCase().trim();
let eventLabel = `[vwo_ce_rtg] rewards quiz - healthy heart - step 3 - continue - ${quizName}`;
gaEventTrigger('close', eventLabel);
toggleModal('.quiz-modal-container', 'modal--hidden', 'modal--visible');
document.querySelectorAll('.quiz-modal.quiz-modal-three, .quiz-modal.quiz-modal-two').forEach(modal => modal.remove());
toggleModal('.quiz-modal.quiz-modal-one', null, 'hide-modal'); // Unhide modal one
if (isTouchDevice()) {
document.body.addEventListener('touchstart', touchStartEventHandler)
// Dom manipulation to populate the quiz modal
if (quizPages.includes(currentPath)) {
// Retrieve and parse quiz data from sessionStorage
const quizData = sessionStorage.getItem('quizData');
if (quizData) {
try {
const [url, answerOne, answerTwo] = JSON.parse(quizData);
const currentUrl = window.location.href;
// Check if the current URL matches the stored URL
if (currentUrl.includes(url)) {
document.querySelectorAll(`.cmp-form .leo-radio__input input[value="${answerOne}"]`)[0].click();
document.querySelectorAll(`.cmp-form .leo-radio__input input[value="${answerTwo}"]`)[0].click();
} catch (error) {
//console.error('Failed to parse quiz data from sessionStorage:', error);
// Return if the test ran already!
if (document.querySelector(`.${test.id}`)) return;
// Polling conditions
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post-accident benefits","Payouts of up to S$25,000 for fractures, dislocations or burns","Get 25% off premiums on 2nd life assured"]},{name:"PA Supreme",productCategory:"personal-accident-insurance",cta1Text:"Learn more",cta1Url:"/sg/en/personal-insurance/our-products/personal-accident-insurance/pa-supreme.html",cta2Text:"Buy now",cta2Url:"//greateasternlife.com/psu",bulletPoints:["High payout in an unfortunate event","Financial support for a swift recovery","Assurance of emergency support that counts"]}],a=`\n \n \n \n \n \n`,n='\n
In addition to the forms and documents in the previous step, we'll also require you to submit the following supporting documents:
a. Certified true copy of the death certificate
If the death occurred in Singapore, submit a copy of the death certificate (hardcopy or digital) at our customer service centre or through a Financial Representative.
If the death occurred overseas, certify the original death certificate at the Singapore Embassy or Notary Public of the country where the life assured passed away.
Note: All non-English documents need to be translated into English by a certified translator. The original and translated death certificates need to be authenticated by a Notary Public before submission.
b. NRIC or passport of the person making the claim (claimant)
You can also visit us at our customer service centre, or send all forms and documents and supporting documents to us by post.
Attention to: Life Claims Department
The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company Limited
1 Pickering Street
Great Eastern Centre #01-01
Singapore 048659
Payout process
Depending on whether the policy is under trust, is assigned, or has a nomination, we will pay out the policy accordingly after the submission is processed.
Policies with nomination
If a nomination was made, the death claim proceeds will be paid out to the nominee as one lump sum.
Refer to the tables below on the types of nominations and the respective recipients of death claim proceeds.
Nomination type
Nomination under Co-operative Societies Act (CSA)
Trust policy under section 73 of Conveyancing & Law of Property Act (CLPA)
Recipient of death claim proceeds
a. No trustee is appointed
If the nominee is 21 years and above: Payout to nominee
If the nominee is below 21 years: Payout to the parent/legal guardian. They will receive insurance proceeds on behalf of the nominee.
b. Trustee is appointed
If the nominee is 21 years and above: Payout to nominee
If the nominee is below 21 years: Payout to trustee
Trustee will receive the payout on behalf of all beneficiaries.
Otherwise, payment can be made to each nominee who is 21 years and above.
From 1 September 2009, two types of nominations can be made under the Insurance Act – revocable and irrevocable.
Nomination Type
Revocable nomination under section 49M(2) of the Insurance Act
Trust/irrevocable nomination under section 49L(2) of the Insurance Act
Recipient of death claim proceeds
a. If the nominee is 18 years and above: Payout to nominee
b. If the nominee is below 18 years: Payout to the parent/legal guardian. They will receive insurance proceeds on behalf of the nominee.
Trustee who is not the policy owner can receive on behalf of all nominees.
Otherwise, payment can be made to each nominee who is 18 years and above.
If the nominee is below 18 years, a parent/legal guardian can receive on behalf of the nominee.
From 01 Sep 2009, only revocable nomination is allowed for Dependants’ Protection Scheme (DPS) policies.
For Muslim policyholders
Revocable nominations can be made for DPS. However, the Administration of Muslim Law Act (AMLA) requires a revocable nomination by a Muslim to be in accordance with the school of Muslim law professed by the Muslims.
You can seek guidance from the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS) on how the different types of nominations interact with the principles of Muslim law.
Policies without trust, assignment or nomination
If there is no trust, assignment or nomination under the policy, we may pay to a "Proper Claimant" under Section 61 of the Insurance Act (on a case by case basis) for an amount of up to SGD150,000, provided there are no contesting claimants and without requiring the production of the Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration.
Amounts in excess of SGD150,000 will require the Grant of Probate (if there is a will) or Letters of Administration (if there is no will) and Schedule of Assets. Both can be applied through a lawyer or the Public Trustee, who will draw up and submit a petition to the High Court for approval.
If there is a will
Person to submit death claim: Executor of the last will
Documents to submit
Copy of last will
NRIC of Executor
If there is no will
Status of deceased
Person to submit death claim
Documents required
NRIC of spouse
Marriage certificate
Widowed or divorced with adult children
Any adult child
NRIC of child
Birth certificate of child
Death or divorce certificate of deceased's spouse
Single with surviving parents
Any parent
NRIC of parent
Birth certificate of deceased
Single with no surviving parents
Any sibling
NRIC of sibling
Birth certificates of sibling and deceased
Death certificates of parents
Questions and Answers
The nomination that you have previously made for your Central Provident Fund savings will not apply for your policy.
We reserve the right not to make payment to Proper Claimants under Section 61 of the Insurance Act should any of the following scenarios occur:
Proper Claimant cannot be determined.
Any dispute amongst family members.
Family members are unable to furnish documentary evidence to prove their relations with the deceased.
We would then request for a certified true copy of the Grant of Probate or the Grant of Letters of Administration before releasing the claim proceeds to the deceased's estate.
Your next-of-kin will need to go to the relevant authority to request for a copy of the documents to be extracted at their own expense. If they are unable to provide the relevant documents, we reserve the right to make payment to the estate of the deceased only upon submission of a certified true copy of the Grant of Probate or the Grant of Letters of Administration.
If the deceased had left behind a will, the representative will be the executor appointed in the will. If the deceased did not leave behind a will (i.e. died intestate), the representative will be the spouse or one of the next-of-kins of the deceased, and this representative is called an administrator.
Upon receiving the Grant of Probate, the executor distributes the deceased’s estate according to the provisions of his will. Upon receiving the Grant of Letters of Administration, the administrator distributes the deceased’s estate in accordance with the Intestate Succession Act (for non-Muslims) or Islamic inheritance laws (for Muslims).
Both the Grant of Probate and the Grant of Letters of Administration can be applied through a lawyer or the Public Trustee, who will draw up and submit a petition to the High Court for approval. The approval from the court may be given any time from six months onwards, depending on the complexities of the deceased's estate.
No, the Proper Claimant will be accountable to the deceased's estate for the money received. Payment to Proper Claimant is to enable the family to receive money quickly, for immediate needs before a certified true copy of the Grant of Probate or the Grant of Letters of Administration is obtained. The payment is part of the deceased's estate and is authorised under the Insurance Act.
It depends on the type of nomination that you have made:
Nominations made under the Co-operative Societies Act (CSA) cannot be superseded by the contents of a will. We will pay according to the nomination regardless of any will.
For revocable nominations made under section 49M(2) of the Insurance Act, a valid will executed after a revocable nomination - and is made known to the insurer - will supersede the revocable nomination. However, the will must satisfy specific requirements under the Wills Act. For example, the will must provide for the disposition of all death benefits under the policy and it must specify the particulars of the policy.
The will must be made in accordance with the Wills Act (Cap. 352) which provides for the disposition of all death benefits under the relevant policy; and specifies the particulars of that relevant policy referred to in regulation 5(3) of the Insurance (NOB) Regulations 2009.
Regulation 5(3) of the Insurance (NOB) Regulations 2009 lists the following particulars:
a. The name of the registered insurer that issued the relevant policy.
b. The policy number
c. The name of each beneficiary to whom any portion (including the whole) of the death benefits under the relevant policy is bequeathed.
d. Where a beneficiary referred to in sub-paragraph (c) is an individual, the following particulars of the beneficiary: NRIC/BC/Foreign passport number, address, date of birth.
e. Where a beneficiary referred to in sub-paragraph (c) is not an individual, the following particulars of the beneficiary:
The Singapore unique entity number of the beneficiary or, if the beneficiary does not have such a number, any other official registration number which identifies and is unique to the entity.
The address of the beneficiary.
f. The portion of the death benefits under the relevant policy which is bequeathed to each beneficiary.
For deaths of Singaporeans or Permanent Residents that occur outside of Singapore, the deceased's next-of-kin should report the death to the Registry of Births & Deaths in Singapore at the Immigration and Checkpoint Authority.