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Supplementing ElderShield

The Ministry of Health provides long term care insurance schemes such as ElderShield and CareShield Life that offer basic financial protection for Singaporeans and PRs.

With the introduction of CareShield Life, this national scheme will progressively replace ElderShield from 2020. If you are born in between 1970 and 1979 (both inclusive), insured under ElderShield 400, and are not severely disabled, you will automatically be enrolled in CareShield Life in end-2021.

If you are born in 1969 or earlier, your participation in CareShield Life is optional, and you can choose to join CareShield Life from end 2021, regardless of your age, as long as you are not severely disabled.

More details on the upgrading/application process will be made available nearer to end-2021 from the Ministry of Health.


Why you should consider adding on long term care coverage?

GREAT CareShield, a supplementary plan to CareShield Life and ElderShield, offers you enhanced protection with additional payouts to help in the event of loss of income or to cover long term care costs due to a disability. The additional payouts may be used to better support quality caregiving services to help in your recovery journey.

Find out how you can use CPF MediSave to increase your disability coverage.

If you have an existing ElderShield Comprehensive policy with us, let us call you to explore your options to enhance your coverage.


This policy is protected under the Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme which is administered by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC). Coverage for your policy is automatic and no further action is required from you. For more information on the types of benefits that are covered under the scheme as well as the limits of coverage, where applicable, please contact us or visit the Life Insurance Association (LIA) or SDIC websites ( or 

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