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News Tablet Device Protection Plan

Frequently asked questions

This FAQ is available in English, ChineseMalay and Tamil. The English version shall always prevail in case of any discrepancy or inconsistency between the English version and its other translations.


Product Coverage

1.      What is the News Tablet Device Protection Plan?

This is a complimentary insurance plan on the News Tablet device offered to subscribers who have signed up for an eligible News Tablet Subscription. The News Tablet Device Protection Plan is underwritten by Great Eastern General Insurance Limited.

2.      What coverage does the News Tablet Device Protection Plan provide?

The repair or replacement cost of your insured Tablet in the event of Accidental Damage, theft due to forcible entry and robbery during the Period of Insurance up to the Sum Insured.

We will cover up to a maximum of two (2) repairs or one (1) replacement claim per insured Tablet during the Period of Insurance. However, no replacement will be allowed once the first repair has been made.

You shall be liable for an excess of 10% of loss amount for each and every claim under this Policy.

Samsung Tablet's Model Memory Sum Insured
Tab A 10.1 / 10.4

32GB Wifi




Tab A8 64GB Wifi S$448
S6 Lite

128GB Wifi




Please refer to the policy wordings for full terms and conditions.

3.      What is the duration of coverage provided?

The duration of your News Tablet Device Protection Plan will be either 24 months or 30 months, in line with your News Tablet subscription.

For example, if you have signed up for a 30-month News Tablet subscription, your period of insurance will be 30 months.



1.      Who is eligible for the News Tablet Device Protection Plan?

All Singapore Citizens, permanent residents and foreign workers above the age of 18 years old, who reside in Singapore and have work permits or passes which are valid for 24 months from date of submission of the subscription application as shown below.

Publication Eligible for coverage with subscriptions starting from
The Business Times News Tablet 15 September 2020
The Straits Times News Tablet 1 December 2020
Chinese News Tablet 1 December 2020
Berita Harian News Tablet 1 December 2020
Tamil Murasu and The Straits Times News Tablet Bundle 1 December 2020


2.      Do I have to pay for the coverage?

Coverage on your News Tablet issued along with your SPH news subscription comes complimentarily. No payment is needed.

3.      When will coverage for the News Tablet Device Protection Plan commence?

Your News Tablet Device Protection Plan commences one (1) day after the date of redemption as shown on the redemption receipt.

4.      Can I further extend my coverage after the coverage duration?

No, the coverage expires at the end of the coverage duration and is not eligible for an extension.

5.      How do I know if my tablet is insured? Will I receive any official documents?

You will receive an email from SPH upon your successful News Tablet subscription, along with details on your tablet redemption and confirmation of the News Tablet Protection Plan.

6.      Am I eligible to claim if my tablet is lost, stolen or accidentally damaged when I am overseas?

No, the coverage applies within Singapore only.



1.      How many claims can I submit?

Each insured’s News Tablet is only eligible for claims of two (2) repairs or one (1) replacement within the coverage duration. For avoidance of doubt, should your first claim be for a repair, you will only be eligible for another repair and not a replacement.

In the event that we have paid for any claim during the period of insurance, the sum insured (less depreciation) will be automatically reduced by the claim amount for the remaining policy period.

2.      How do I file a claim?

For damaged tablets, you must visit a Samsung Service Centre (as listed below) in Singapore to repair your damaged tablet.


68 Orchard Road #B2-23, Singapore 2388393

Operating Hours:

11:00am to 8:00pm (Mondays - Saturdays)

11:00am to 5:00pm (Sundays and Public Holidays)


1 Harbourfront Walk #02-28/29, Singapore 0985852

Operating Hours:

11:00am to 9:00pm

(Mondays - Sundays and Public Holidays)


3 Gateway Drive #02-01, Singapore 6085324

Operating Hours:

11:00am to 8:00pm (Mondays - Saturdays)

11:00am to 5:00pm (Sundays and Public Holidays)


1 Woodlands Square #01-01/02, Singapore 738099

Operating Hours:

11:00am to 9:00pm

(Mondays - Sundays and Public Holidays)

A)     For damaged tablets:

  • Notify Great Eastern of the damage within fourteen (14) days via email ( or our Customer Service hotline (1800 248 2888).
  • Approach a Samsung service centre in Singapore to repair your damaged tablet.
  • Upon repair, Samsung service centre will issue you with a service order sheet with details and cost of the repair. You will have to first pay for the repair.
  • Submit the claim form together with the service order sheet to Great Eastern within thirty (30) days of the damage to a claim for a reimbursement. The reimbursed amount will be 90% of the repair price or up to the sum insured of your tablet, whichever is lower. The remaining 10% is co-payed by you, defined as excess payment.

B)     For damaged tablets that are beyond repair:

  • Notify Great Eastern of the damage within fourteen (14) days via email ( or our Customer Service hotline (1800 248 2888).
  • Approach a Samsung service centre in Singapore to repair your damaged tablet.
  • Should the tablet be damaged beyond repair, Samsung service centre will certify so in the service order sheet.
  • Contact SPH directly to purchase a replacement tablet. You will have to first pay for the purchase.
  • Submit the claim form together with the service order sheet and replacement purchase receipt to Great Eastern within thirty (30) days of the damage to claim for reimbursement. For tablet replacements, the tablet’s value at the time of loss will be calculated via an annual straight-line depreciation of 20%, apportioned on a monthly basis. The reimbursed amount will be 90% of the tablet’s value at the point of claim or up to the sum insured of your tablet, whichever is lower. The remaining 10% is co-payed by you, defined as excess payment.

C)     For loss of tablets from thefts due to robbery and forced entry:

  • Make a police report on the theft and obtain a copy of the report.
  • Notify Great Eastern of the loss within fourteen (14) days via email ( or our Customer Service hotline (1800 248 2888).
  • Contact SPH directly to purchase a replacement tablet. You will have to first pay for the purchase.
  • Submit the claim form together with the police report and replacement purchase receipt to Great Eastern within thirty (30) days for a claim of reimbursement. For tablet replacements, the tablet’s value at the time of loss will be calculated via an annual straight-line depreciation of 20%, apportioned on a monthly basis. The reimbursed amount will be 90% of the tablet’s value at the point of claim or up to the sum insured of your tablet, whichever is lower. The remaining 10% is co-payed by you as excess payment.

The claim form is available for download from All claims should be submitted directly to Great Eastern at

3.      Can I get my tablet repaired or replaced anywhere else?

No. Only repairs and replacements done at a Samsung Service Centre in Singapore will qualify for making a claim.



1.      If I want to find out more, who can I ask?

You may contact Great Eastern at 1800 6248 2888 (9am to 5.30pm, Mondays - Fridays) or email


Important Notes

This is a FAQ which provides brief description of the policy and is not a contract of insurance. Please refer to the policy document for the precise terms and conditions of the insurance plan.