Medical coverage - What is Hypertension?

What is Hypertension?

Part 2 of 4 – The 3 Highs and non-traditional cardiovascular risk markers

Jun 27, 2024
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Hypertension is also known as high blood pressure. It is a condition in which blood vessels have persistently raised pressure. About 1 in 3 of the population in Singapore have this condition.

Primary hypertension occurs due to the complex interplay between genetics such as family history, age, excessive alcohol intake, high sodium diet, obesity, physical inactivity and smoking.

Secondary hypertension is less common. It accounts to 10% of cases. This usually arises due to hormonal imbalances, kidney problems, medications, narrow kidney arteries or obstructive sleep apnea. Taking accurate blood pressure measurements is important both for diagnosis and monitoring for treatment. So before the blood pressure measurement, we should avoid food and drinks for 30 minutes. And during the reading itself, there should be no talking, arms should be rested at chest height, cuff against the bare skin, and the back well supported with feet flat on the floor.

Find out more about the Great Eastern Rewards Health Series – Matters of the Heart, here and remember to enhance your journey with a health insurance coverage.

Dr Wang Luo-Kai
Dr Wang Luo-Kai
Associate Consultant
Department of Cardiology
National Heart Centre Singapore
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