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Financial literacy
Embracing its “Life is Great!” philosophy, Great Eastern Life continues an active role in corporate citizenship to make life great for the less privileged and the community at large.
financial literacy

Industrial visits at Great Eastern Life

Great Eastern Life organises visits to company sites to raise financial awareness as well as promote financial literacy, while building stronger relationships with the communities in which it operates. This programme contributes towards generating interest in careers within the industry and developing skills in youths to address skills shortage within the industry.

Through this initiative, the Company shares with undergraduates the realities of working life, as well as the expectations of today’s employers. During the visits, the students and graduates have the opportunity to learn more about the insurance business and career prospects within the industry. They also discover more about the history and heritage of the Company, as well as the operational side – from Marketing and Distribution, to Human Capital and Actuarial.

Objectives of industrial visits at Great Eastern Life

  1. To provide an avenue for us to share our dreams and aspirations with the public.

  2. To provide a platform for future mutually-beneficial collaboration with students from institutions of higher learning, through internships and career opportunities.

  3. To expose students to the challenges and issues faced by the industry.

  4. To foster closer rapport among students and professionals from the corporate world, whilst providing opportunities for the corporate sector to learn more about the younger generation’s expectations towards working life.

  5. To create awareness towards the Company’s initiatives.

  6. To expose students to different cultures and working environments as well as the expectations of the employers towards the graduates.

  7. To provide students with first-hand information on career advancement based on their degree.

  8. As a socially responsible organisation, the Company strongly believes in educating, developing and sharing information with the future leaders of tomorrow by working closely with the students.

Target audience

Our target audience for this programme are undergraduates (Diploma or Bachelor Degree) from any public and private Universities within Malaysia.

Focus is given to the Institutions that are located outside of the Kuala Lumpur and Selangor area and to graduates from relevant faculties to the industry, such as Business, Information Technology and/or Actuarial.

Advance notice of three months is required for all visit applications. Please submit enquiries and requests via email to:


financial literacy in schools

Financial literacy in schools

The School Adoption Programme is a long-term initiative of Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) and the local banks that started in 2009. Foreign banks and life insurance companies also participate in the programme to promote financial literacy amongst school pupils.

This participation also helps to raise awareness of insurance protection amongst the young ones, as well as providing an insight into careers available in the industry.

In sharing the drive behind the support to this initiative, CEO of Great Eastern Life Malaysia Dato Koh Yaw Hui says, “We would like to ensure that local communities can enhance their awareness of the insurance industry and its tremendous contribution towards the country’s growth and development. We would also like to see insurance becoming one of the most sought after career prospects and not an industry that one joins by accident.” With this in mind, Great Eastern Life’s involvement in the School Adoption Programme sees special activities to engage the pupils, whilst imparting financial management knowledge.

Key elements embedded within the programme at the school visits include:

  • Money, source of income and career choice;
  • Financial responsibility and decision-making;
  • Money management and planning;
  • Savings and investment;
  • Credit and debt management;
  • Risk management, wealth protection and insurance.

Some of the activities organised to date include briefings on money management skills, career opportunities available at the Company, knowledge on insurance and about Great Eastern Life as an organisation; as well as topic-related games such as the Financial Race.

Quizzes on financial-related topics with Great Eastern Life premium items as prizes are also incorporated with each school visit, as well as the presentation of goodie bags sponsored by the Company.

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