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Frequently asked questions

Here is a short list of our most frequently asked questions. These FAQs are designed to provide more understanding about the career paths open to General Insurance Agents at Great Eastern General Insurance Malaysia.

  1. How do I apply as a Great Eastern General Insurance Agent?
    It’s simple! Simply fill in your information here and we will reach out to you.

  2. What is the minimum qualification to be an agent?
    a. Minimum education requirement of Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) with minimum 5 passes or any higher educational.
    b. Pass Pre-Contract Examination for Insurance Agent - PCEIA (Part B).
    c. Register a company with Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM).

  3. Will I be provided with training after I signed up as an agent?
    Yes. We invest heavily on agency training (both technical and non-technical) to ensure you have continuous professional development. Please also note that, all general insurance agents are required to attend at least 20 hours of training per year under the Continuous Professional Development (CPD) requirement by BNM and PIAM.

  4. Is there a minimum production quota for general insurance portfolio?
    Yes. Under the Minimum Maintenance Contract (MMC) requirement by Persatuan Insurans Am Malaysia (PIAM), all general insurance agents must meet a minimum of RM 20,000 annual gross premium during the first 2 years of their general insurance licence validity period, and RM 50,000 annual gross premium thereafter.

  5. How much will i get paid?
    The income generated is based on your performance as it is commission-based. Commission varies amongst different classes of insurance in accordance to Bank Negara Malaysia's (BNM) guideline.

  6. Who can I contact for more information?
    You can contact our branches or servicing office nearest to you. Our branch network can be found here or email us at You may also choose to contact our Customer Careline at 1300-1300 88 if you have any queries.
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