1. For Life Insurance Medical Repricing queries, contact our Careline team at +603-48133928 from Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.15pm (except Public Holiday).


2. For General Insurance Medical Repricing queries (Easi Health and Easi HealthCare), contact our Careline team at +603-42598900 from Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.15pm (except Public Holiday).


3. As part of Bank Negara Malaysia’s (BNM) ongoing efforts to ensure that all Insurance and Takaful industry players uphold their commitments and deliver services as outlined in their Customer Service Charter (CSC), both BNM and the Boards and Management Committees of the Associations (MTA/LIAM/PIAM) have approved the appointment of NielsenIQ Malaysia as the research agency to conduct the Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS) 2024/25. Please visit our Announcement page for more information.

Make a premium payment

How to make a premium payment

Life insurance

    How to make a premium payment

  • Life insurance
  • General insurance

If your policy number begins with numeric number (E.g. 10123456789, 32456789), you are a life insurance customer. Please refer to the steps below:

Premium Payment Options for Life Insurance Policy

Payment Channel Credit/ Debit Card JomPay Internet Banking ATM Cheque Deposit Machine Saving/ Current Account (Standing Instruction) Over-The-Counter
Cash Cheque
e-PAY (PayNow) at eConnect portal ✔**              
Auto-debit facility ✔**              
Bank Simpanan Nasional        
CIMB Bank Berhad   ✔*     ✔*    
Malayan Banking Berhad     ✔*    
OCBC Bank (Malaysia) Berhad    
Public Bank Berhad    
Other JomPAY Participating Banks
(Please refer JomPAY official website on the participating banks)



* Not applicable for Overseas Assurance Corporation (M) Berhad's policy.
** Visa or Master credit card issued in Malaysia and foreign country is acceptable.
** Visa or Master debit card issued in Malaysia only is acceptable.

Payment methods

e-PAY is a secured electronic payment gateway service which allows Great Eastern’s policyholders to make payment for their policy using their credit or debit card.

Sign-up for e-Connect and enjoy paying premium online using e-PAY. Click here for guide to use e-Pay via e-Connect.

For non e-Connect users, click here for e-Connect registration guide.

You can pay your premium or other policy related payment via JomPAY using funds from your Savings or Current Account or Credit Card. JomPAY is available through your respective bank's Internet or Mobile Banking or Automated Teller Machine (ATM). Please refer to JomPAY website for more info on the participating banks.

Just 6 simple steps

Step 1 Login to Internet or Mobile Banking and select JomPAY
Step 2 Enter Biller Code: 90050 (for Great Eastern Life Policy)
Enter Biller Code: 90100 (for Great Eastern ex-OAC* & Bancassurance Policy)
Step 3 Enter your 10-digit Policy Number in Ref-1 field (for Great Eastern Life Policy)
Enter your 8-digit Policy Number in Ref-1 field (for Great Eastern ex-OAC* & Bancassurance Policy)
Step 4 Enter Payment Type & Mobile Phone Number in Ref-2 field
Please refer to the Types of policy payment you can pay using JomPAY section below for examples of Ref-2. 
Step 5 Enter your Payment Amount
Step 6 Confirm and Pay

*Ex-OAC is Life Insurance policy issued by Overseas Assurance Corporation (Malaysia) Berhad

Types of policy payment you can pay using JomPAY

Effective 1st February 2022, you can pay for other policy related payment via JomPAY. To ensure your payment is updated promptly into your policy, please refer to the guide and the examples below.

Must indicate <Payment Type> and <Mobile Phone Number> in the Ref-2 field before submitting your payment.

Type of Payment JomPAY Ref-2 Example
Premium / Automatic Premium Loan (APL) repayment Enter <Mobile Phone Number> only 0121234567
Policy Loan (LOAN) Enter <Payment Type> & <Mobile Phone Number> LOAN 0121234567
Single Premium Top-up* (SPTU) SPTU 0121234567
Policy Alterations* (ALTER) ALTER 0121234567
Advance Premium Account* (APA) APA 0121234567
Policy Reinstatement* (REVIVAL) REVIVAL 0121234567
Non-Lapse Top-up / Miscellaneous Debt* (NLTU) NLTU 0121234567

Mobile number 0121234567 is for illustration only.


  1. Please submit the Application Form / copy of letter issued by company requesting for payment (if applicable) through ‘My Mailbox’ in e-Connect or email to us after your payment.
  2. Electronic payment receipt is available in eConnect portal within 3 days upon receiving your payment remittance.

You can also pay your premium online from the listed banks below using your saving / current account by login to the internet banking website.

  • Malayan Banking Berhad
  • OCBC Bank (Malaysia) Berhad
  • Public Bank Berhad
  • Bank Simpanan Nasional
  • CIMB  Bank

Note: Electronic payment receipt is available in eConnect portal within 3 days upon receiving your payment remittance.

You can deposit your cheque payment at OCBC Bank’s Cheque Deposit Machine by following the steps below.

Step 1: Select preferred “Language” & Press "Enter"

Step 2: Select “Bill Payment”.

Step 3: Select "Great Eastern Life Assurance (M) Berhad”.

Step 4: Enter total amount of cheque(s).

Step 5: Press “Enter” for yes.

Step 6: Press “Enter” to confirm the amount.

Step 7: Deposit cheques (max 30 cheques in once time).

Note: Cheques must be crossed and made payable to "Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad". Please write policyholder's name, Policy Number(s) and contact number at the reverse side of the cheque.

Payment via Automated Teller Machine (ATM) is available at the listed banks as mentioned below.

JomPAY’s Participating Banks

Step 1: Insert ATM card*

Step 2: Select “JomPAY” under “PayBill / Bill Payment”

Step 3: Enter the [Biller Code]

  • [90050] for Great Eastern Life Policy
  • [90100] for Great Eastern ex-OAC** & BANCA*** Policy

Step 4: Enter Policy Number in Ref-1 field

  • 10-digit Policy Number for Great Eastern Life Policy
  • 8-digit Policy Number for Great Eastern ex-OAC** & BANCA*** Policy

Step 5: Enter Mobile Phone Number in Ref-2 field.

Step 6: Enter Premium Amount.

*Please use the ATM card issued by the specific bank e.g. Maybank ATM card for Maybank’s ATM.
**Policy issued by Overseas Assurance Corporations (M) Berhad
***Policy purchased through appointed banks


Step 1: Insert OCBC ATM card and select “More Service”

Step 2: Select “Bill Payment”.

Step 3: Select “Great Eastern”.

Step 4: Select “GELA”.

Step 5: Select “Premium” or “Loan”.

Step 6: Enter 10-digit Policy Number.

Step 7: Select “Saving Account” or “Current Account”.

Step 8: Enter Premium Amount

Step 9: Press “Confirm” to confirm the payment. 


Step 1: Insert Maybank ATM card and press “Continue”.

Step 2: Key in ATM pin

Step 3: Select “PayBills

Step 4: Select “Registered Payee Corp”

Step 5: Enter 10-digit Policy Number & Premium Amount and press "Yes".

Step 6:. Select “Saving Account” or “Current Account”.

Step 7: Select “Great Eastern Life Assurance”.

Step 8: Press “Yes” to confirm the payment

Public Bank

Step 1: Insert PBB ATM and select your preferred language

Step 2: Select “ATM”

Step 3: Select “Saving Account” or “Current Account”.

Step 4: Select “Other Service”, “More Service” and “Payment”.

Step 5: Press “Accept”.

Step 6: Enter “230” to select Great Eastern Life Malaysia (GELM)

Step 7: Select “Premium” or “Loan”.

Step 8: Enter 10-digit Policy Number

Step 9: Enter Premium Amount.



It is simple, secured and convenient. By using Auto-debit facility, your premium is  automatically deducted from your bank account or credit or debit card.

Easi-Pay (Credit/Debit Card) Service

Auto-debit of renewal premium from credit/debit card  is applicable for the following type of Master/Visa card:-

  • credit card issued by Local or Foreign banks
  • debit card issued by Local banks’ only

To apply or update the auto-debit of renewal premium from credit/debit card, please login to e-Connect portal. To download the EasiPay Guide, click here. 

Upon subscribing to the auto-debit facility service, you are advised to follow the safety measures below to ensure continuous coverage of your insurance policy:

  • To check your credit card or bank account number is correctly registered as per your instructions. Policyholder can view or update their EasiPay credit / debit card number online via eConnect portal. 
  • To check your credit card or bank account statement regularly to detect if there are any irregularities with regard to the premium deduction.
  • If you suspect any unauthorized deduction has been made to your account, or any other discrepancies concerning your premium deductions, please notify your bank and Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad immediately by calling our Customer Service Careline at 1300-1300 88 or email to wecare-my@greateasternlife.com.

GIRO Service

For GIRO auto-deduction from saving/current bank account, kindly obtain and complete the following form from your respective bank:

Panel Banks Form (New Application) Additional Info
Bank Simpanan Nasional Standing Instruction Form (Autodebit) Bank must verified and approved the form first before submission to Great Eastern
*CIMB Bank Berhad CIMB Bank Direct Debit Service Instruction form Bank must verified and approved the form first before submission to Great Eastern
*Malayan Banking Berhad Maybank Autodebit  
Public Bank Berhad Direct Debit Authorisation Form For 3rd party account: The form must be verified and approved by the bank first before submission to Great Eastern

*Not applicable for Overseas Assurance Corporation (M) Berhad's policy

Questions and Answers

Easi-Pay (Credit/Debit Card) Service

The Easi-Pay Service is a facility for standing instruction of premium payment via Visa/Mastercard.

For individual policy, please login to our self-service portal, e-Connect. To download the Easi-Pay Guide, click here.

However, for Keyman policy (purchased by Company), you will have to complete the Easi-Pay Service form (PSF16) and submit it to us for processing.

Click here to download Easi-Pay Service Form.

Yes, you may repay your Automatic Premium Loan via credit/debit card.

For individual policy, please login to our self-service portal, e-Connect. Click here to download "e-Pay via e-Connect Guide" and refer to "PayNow for One-time Payment". You need to select "Automatic Premium Loan" under "Payment Type".

However, for Keyman policy (purchased by Company), you will have to complete the Easi-Pay Service form (PSF16) and submit it to us for processing.

No, there are no additional charges for premiums paid via this facility.

There is no receipt issued for payments made via this service. You are advised to check your monthly credit/debit card statement. 

When your auto billings failed, you and your servicing agent will be notified via SMS. 

If you are an eConnect user, another SMS will be sent to inform you on the unsuccessful notice being archived in eConnect for your reference.

For non eConnect user such as keyman policy, the unsuccessful notice will be sent to the correspondence address for your further action.

No. This facility is only applicable if you are the card holder or if the card holder is your immediate family member (spouse, child, parents or siblings).

You may cancel the Easi-Pay service by submitting your Change Payment Method service request through our self service portal, eConnect.

For Keyman policy, you will need to inform us in writing one month before the due date.


Policyholder can make payment for the below payment type:

a. Renewal Premium via e-Connect
b. Automatic Premium Loan Repayment via e-Connect
c. Reinstatement via e-Connect
d. Non Lapse Top-Up via e-Connect (Not applicable for OAC policy)
e. Initial Payment via MPOS submission

However, only eligible payment type will be allowed to make payment according to your policy status.

Policyholder can access e-PAY via e-Connect except for Initial Payment. However, policyholder needs to register as an e-Connect user first.

Yes. Policyholder may use debit card issued in Malaysia only under Visa or MasterCard.

For debit card users, policyholder are encouraged to contact the card issuing bank to opt in e-Commerce transactions before start using e-PAY should the Policyholder wish to use the debit card for recurring billings.

No. e-PAY only accept debit card issued in Malaysia under Visa or MasterCard.

Yes. However, this is only for credit card with 3D Secure.

3D Secure service requires an additional security layer and authentication step for online card transactions. This service is to safeguard against the risk of fraudulent transactions by requesting cardholders to provide the One Time Password (OTP) in order to process the online transactions.

This service is provided by Visa and MasterCard under the name of “Verified by Visa” and “MasterCard SecureCode.”

Currently, e-PAY is only applicable for Life insurance policy and Bancassurance (BANCA) policies.

Yes. However it’s subject to cardholder relationship as below:

  • Spouse
  • Children
  • Parents
  • Siblings

This information will only be used to send email and SMS for payment confirmation and the information given will not supersede to the existing contact details in Great Eastern.

Payment confirmation will be sent via SMS and email to the cardholder/payer.
Alternatively, policyholder also can check the payment details via e-Connect as follows:

  • e-Connect >> View Policy Details >> Premium Information

Payment confirmation will be triggered only one time via SMS and email to the cardholder/payer.

Alternatively, policyholders may check the payment details via e-Connect as follows:

  • e-Connect >> View Policy Details >> Premium Information

No receipts will be issued for payment made via e-PAY. However, policyholder may refer to the payment confirmation sent via SMS and email.

Alternatively, policyholders able to view payment details in e-Connect as follows

  • e-Connect >> View Policy Details >> Premium Information

Yes, when policyholder made payment via e-PAY, they can opt to use the same card for future recurring payment. 

Policyholder can perform change payment method under “My Service Request” in e-Connect to update the new card details as follows:

  • e-Connect >> My Service Request >> Change Payment Method

Policyholder may contact with card issuing bank as OTP SMS will be triggered by the respective issuing bank to the registered mobile number with the bank.

Policyholder can check with card issuing bank on the unsuccessful reason.

Policyholder will be given 3 attempts to make payments.

Upon successful transaction, payment will be updated immediately.

Please refer to Q1, policyholder is not allowed to pay policy loan via e-PAY.

No, e-PAY can be accessed via e-Connect only. Kindly advise the policyholder to register as an e-Connect user in order for them to make payment via e-PAY for their policies.