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Stress management

Week 2: Solving stress in the home

Welcome to week 2 of the Programme. This week, we will help you identify the areas of your home life that you’re most stressed out about, and provide you with tailored techniques to successfully manage them. Just like week 1, it’s not homework, but rather small adjustments to your lifestyle. We hope you'll find it useful!

Step 1: Find out what's causing you stress at home

To find a well-suited strategy to help you manage stress, let's first have a look at which aspect of your private life is giving you the most pressure. Once you find an answer, download week 2's programme for proven techniques to eliminate your stressor. A happy, stress-free home awaits!
  • Question 1
    Sometimes, I get stressed out when I meet my parents, in-laws or extended family because…
    A) They always ask my spouse and me for money or financial support.
    B) I’m concerned about their health or their living situation.
    C) My spouse and I feel pressured to improve our relationships with our parents and extended families.
    Pick One
  • Question 2
    Sometimes, I get stressed out about bringing up my children because…
    A) I feel that taking good care of their education and well-being is very expensive.
    B) I find it hard to connect with my children, because their interests are so different from mine.
    C) I often have disagreements with my spouse or other family members on what’s best for the children.
    Pick One
  • Question 3
    Going out with the family on weekends can be stressful because…
    A) I always end up paying for dinner and other activities.
    B) I have no idea how to control my children’s rowdy behaviour in public.
    C) My spouse and I don’t get to spend enough quality time with each other.
    Pick One
  • Question 4
    Sometimes, I get stressed out about family vacations because…
    A) Planning a holiday that is both family-friendly and within budget is hard.
    B) I worry about who’s going to take care of my elderly relatives while I’m away.
    C) I end up arguing with my family members during the holiday.
    Pick One
  • Question 5
    I spend a lot of time at work, and I feel stressed when I return home because…
    A) I worry that I’m not making enough money to support my family as well as I want.
    B) I’m concerned that I’m not spending enough time with my family.
    C) I feel like work and family is taking up all of my time, and I don’t get to spend any time with my friends.
    Pick One
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Step 2: Download your week 2 recommendations

What you'll find inside:

  • Your stressors at home
  • Try our home coping strategies
  • Spot stressors you can/cannot change
  • A happiness plan for a week
Download Now, it's Free!
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