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Stress management

Week 6: The 4 As - the secret to building resilience against stress

No matter how prepared you are, there are infinite stressful situations that will take you by surprise. That's why this week, we look into developing resilience against all kinds of stress -- through making a strategic decision on whether you should avoid, alter, adapt to, or accept the situation.

Step 1: Find out if you're resilient to stress with the 4 As

With different personalities come different ways to tackle a stressful situation. Whether you are an avoider, an alterer, an adaptor or an acceptor, find out which coping strategy suits you best!
  • Question 1
    You have an irritating colleague whom you dislike. The feeling is mutual. Do you:
    A) Walk around his/her cubicle, even if it requires extra steps.
    B) Work towards a common understanding of each other, even if it takes time.
    C) Realise that your colleague isn’t worth your distress. You focus on other issues.
    Pick One
  • Question 2
    It’s Thursday and your housework is piling up. You have been working overtime since Monday. You:
    A) Do your housework over the weekend. It can wait.
    B) Try to finish your work faster so that you can get home earlier.
    C) Set housework chores for your family members. If you live alone, set aside half an hour every morning to do your housework.
    Pick One
  • Question 3
    Your colleague asks you for a ride home. She lives 20 km away; you need to rush home to prepare dinner for the kids. Do you:
    A) Decline.
    B) Drop her at the nearest subway station/bus-stop.
    C) Call up the kids. It’s pizza delivery-time!
    Pick One
  • Question 4
    You have a few minor projects to complete and you're running out of time. The final deadline is three weeks away. You:
    A) Pass on these projects to your junior colleague. She should be able to handle them.
    B) Snap into action. Consult your senior colleagues on how to complete these projects in a time-efficient manner.
    C) Set some goals for positive change and motivation – and start working!
    Pick One
  • Question 5
    Your teenage child accuses you of insensitivity as a parent. You:
    A) Ignore his/her complaint. How dare your child talk back to you?
    B) Encourage your child to suggest ways that you may connect with him/her.
    C) Adjust your overall parenting style to cope with your child’s demands.
    Pick One
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Step 2: Download your week 6 recommendations

What you'll find inside:

  • How you react to stress
  • Ways to avoid, alter, adapt and accept
  • A guide to picking your battles
  • A calendar to get more minutes out of your day.
Download Now, it's Free!
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