1. For Life Insurance Medical Repricing queries, contact our Careline team at +603-48133928 from Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.15pm (except Public Holiday).


2. For General Insurance Medical Repricing queries (Easi Health and Easi HealthCare), contact our Careline team at +603-42598900 from Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.15pm (except Public Holiday).


2. As part of Bank Negara Malaysia’s (BNM) ongoing efforts to ensure that all Insurance and Takaful industry players uphold their commitments and deliver services as outlined in their Customer Service Charter (CSC), both BNM and the Boards and Management Committees of the Associations (MTA/LIAM/PIAM) have approved the appointment of NielsenIQ Malaysia as the research agency to conduct the Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS) 2024/25. Please visit our Announcement page for more information.

SMARTMEDIC Shield + SMARTMEDIC Shield Plus | Medical Insurance Rider

Extensive medical coverage for your healthcare needs

Medical costs and health setbacks are prevailing issues that often stand the test of time. Which is why you should always ensure that you are well protected with the right medical coverage should a hospitalisation event occur.

With SmartMedic Shield, an investment-linked medical rider that offers you three varying Hospital Room and Board, you will have access to an extensive medical and hospitalisation benefits to aid you towards your great recovery. Additionally, you can choose between a coverage term of up to 80 years or 100 years next birthday, allowing you to plan your medical coverage according to your personal needs.

To top these all off, your protection can be further enhanced with an optional rider, SmartMedic Shield Extender that extends your yearly medical coverage, strengthening your personal safety net when times get tough.

Product Summary View Product Brochure

Key benefits


SmartMedic Shield

Circle Image       Comprehensive medical benefits with minimal deductible per disability

SmartMedic Shield grants you access to various comprehensive medical benefits with a deductible of RM300 per disability1. The plan’s key benefits include pre- and post-hospitalisation treatments, outpatient cancer and kidney dialysis treatments, dengue fever and Zika virus treatment, ICU expenses, surgical fees and more1.

Circle Image       Post-hospitalisation support for your full recovery

SmartMedic Shield covers you for the follow-up treatment and home nursing care after your discharge, in relation to treatments for wound, respiratory, diabetes care, and more; as prescribed by the treating physician.

Other than that, SmartMedic Shield plan with Room and Board RM400 further reimburses you for post-hospitalisation chiropractic, speech therapy, or occupational therapy by a specialist or physician; alongside treatments by a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner1.

Circle Image       High Overall Annual Limit, no Overall Lifetime Limit

SmartMedic Shield offers a vital financial buffer to foot your medical bills, with a high Overall Annual Limit and no Overall Lifetime Limit. The Overall Annual Limit, which refreshes every year, goes up to RM2,000,000, depending on your selected plan1.

Circle Image       Regular increments to the Hospital Room and Board Limit

A 10% increase to your Hospital Room and Board Limit at the end of every 3 policy years2, up to a cumulative total of 100% the initial Hospital Room and Board limit1.

Circle Image       2 coverage term options to suit your protection needs

SmartMedic Shield provides you the medical coverage term options of up to age 80 or 100 years next birthday, allowing you to plan your life ahead, based on your personal protection needs1.

Circle Image       Optional rider to further extend your Overall Annual Limit

To strengthen your financial certainty in times of medical difficulties, you can also choose to attach SmartMedic Shield Extender, an optional rider that extends the Overall Annual Limit of your selected SmartMedic Shield plan by an additional RM2,000,000.


SmartMedic Shield Plus

Circle Image       Deductible waiver for your SmartMedic Shield plan

SmartMedic Shield Plus waives the RM300 deductible of your SmartMedic Shield plan, giving you one less thing to worry about during medical emergencies1.

Circle Image       Prolonged Post-Hospitalisation Treatment coverage

This rider prolongs the coverage for your post-hospitalisation treatment as offered by SmartMedic Shield beyond 90 days, from the 91st day to the 200th day after your hospital discharge1.

Circle Image       Daily Guardian Benefit

There will be a reimbursement of RM150 per day3 for expenses incurred for meals and lodging by guardians while accompanying you in the hospital1.

Circle Image       Higher Daily Cash Allowance

In the event of hospitalisation at a Malaysian government hospital, you can rest assured and focus on your recovery with an additional Daily Cash Allowance of RM150 per day4,1.

Circle Image       Additional protection for accidental death

In the event of accidental death, SmartMedic Shield Plus provides an additional payout of RM20,000, on top of the existing accidental death benefit of SmartMedic Shield1.

Your questions answered

1. Who can apply1?

Category                        Entry Age              

Life Assured

(Unborn child)

  Minimum   13 weeks of gestational period

36 weeks of gestational period

Life Assured

 Minimum   14 days attained age

70 years age next birthday

2. What are the normal circumstances under which SmartMedic Shield and/or SmartMedic Shield Extender and/or SmartMedic Shield Plus will be terminated?

The normal circumstances include1:

  • Death of the life assured.
  • On the policy anniversary on which the life assured’s age is 80 or 100 years next birthday, depending on the selected coverage term of SmartMedic Shield.
  • Upon the termination of SmartMedic Shield, applicable to SmartMedic Extender and SmartMedic Shield Plus only.
  • When the attached basic policy has lapsed, is surrendered, or is terminated.

3. Am I covered for medical treatment received outside Malaysia?

You are covered for medical treatment received outside Malaysia but subject to a maximum of 90 consecutive days if you reside or travel outside Malaysia (except for Singapore and Brunei), and the Reasonable and Customary Charges for the equivalent local treatment in Malaysia1

Let our Life Planning Advisor
assist you to

  • Answer your product enquiries
  • Find the right plan that suits your needs and affordability
Circle Image Answer your product enquiries
Circle Image Find the right plan that suits your needs and affordability

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Thank you for your enquiry. Fill in your details below and a Life Planning Advisor will get back to you within 48 hours.

Call times are Monday-Friday between 8.30am and 5.15pm (except Public Holiday).


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Understand the details before buying

Terms and conditions apply.

2 Calculated from SmartMedic Shield’s Risk Effective Date.

3 Up to a maximum of 180 days per policy year.

4 Up to a maximum of 120 days per policy year.

SmartMedic Shield, SmartMedic Shield Extender and SmartMedic Shield Plus are unit deduction medical riders attachable to selected regular premium investment-linked insurance plans. These plans are insurance products that are tied to the performance of the underlying assets, and are not pure investment products such as unit trusts. The insurance charge to be imposed will be deducted from the total investment value of your policy on a monthly basis. You may stop paying premiums under the policy and still enjoy protection as long as there is sufficient total investment value to pay for the insurance charge. However, there is a possibility of the policy lapsing when the required charges, including rider charges exceed the total investment value of the fund units available. Purchasing too many unit deduction riders may deplete the fund units.

You have the option to include SmartMedic Shield Extender and/or SmartMedic Shield Plus to your investment-linked insurance plan; however, it must be attached together with SmartMedic Shield. If SmartMedic Shield Extender and/or SmartMedic Shield Plus are subsequently included to your investment-linked insurance plan after your coverage under SmartMedic Shield becomes effective, then the first policy year of SmartMedic Shield Extender and/or SmartMedic Shield Plus will be adjusted accordingly and will be shorter than a year. For subsequent years, the policy anniversary of SmartMedic Shield Extender and/or SmartMedic Shield Plus will coincide with SmartMedic Shield’s policy anniversary.

You should satisfy yourself that these riders will best serve your needs and that the premium payable under the policy is an amount you can afford. A free-look period of 15 days is given for you to review the suitability of the Medical and Health Insurance (MHI) product. If a rider is cancelled during this period, the policy owner is entitled to the reinstatement of the units deducted for the payment of insurance charge after net of expenses incurred for the medical examination, if any. If you switch your Medical Policy/Rider from one company to another or if you exchange your current Medical Policy/Rider with another Medical Policy/Rider within the same company, you may be required to submit an application where acceptance of your proposal will be subject to the terms and conditions to be imposed at the time of Policy/Rider switching or replacement.

The above is for general information only. It is not a contract of insurance. You are advised to refer to the Product Disclosure Sheet and sample policy documents for detailed important features and benefits of the plans before purchasing the plans. The exclusions and limitations of benefits highlighted above are not exhaustive. For further information, reference shall be made to the terms and conditions specified in the policy issued by Great Eastern Life.

The terms “Great Eastern Life” and “the Company” shall refer to Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad.

PROTECTION BY PIDM ON BENEFITS PAYABLE FROM THE UNIT PORTION OF THIS POLICY/PRODUCT IS SUBJECT TO LIMITATIONS. Please refer to PIDM’s TIPS Brochure or contact Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad or PIDM (visit www.pidm.gov.my).

Information correct as on 1 July 2024.