Balance your food choices
You do not have to give up your favourite food just because it is high in calories. Simply manage your diet by reducing your portion size or making up for excess calories by eating a lower-calorie meal later.
Banish the dengue danger
Dengue fever can not only be severe and uncomfortable - it can be deadly. Keep your family and friends safe by being vigilant over stagnant water. It only take a little to bring about risk - so check gutters, flower pots, drains, dish racks and laundry areas for still water once every two days.
Be aware
You might be young - but you might still be susceptible to a heart attack. After all, a recent study found that men aged 55 and younger still accounted for a large number of heart attacks in the US. Our advice to you: go for regular cholesterol screenings.
Be medically prepared when travelling
If you have conditions like diabetes or heart problems, do check with your doctor about the required medical prescriptions and tools before departing overseas. Knowing that you're prepared will allow you to enjoy a safe and happy trip.
Banish pregnancy backache
Combat lower back pain while pregnant by maintaining good posture, sticking to low-heeled shoes, sleeping on your side and getting regular exercise. If backaches persist, try using heated packs or get a prenatal massage.
Banish your brittle nails
As the most common cause of brittle nails is repeated wetting and drying, such as when you wash your hands too often, the first thing you should do is put some gloves on when you're doing housework. Remember to moisturise often with a lanolin-rich lotion!
Be emergency ready
Whether you're home or overseas, let your close friends and families know where you are, and how they can contact you in any case of an emergency.
Be realistic about weight loss
Can't wait to lose weight and fit into that gorgeous wedding dress? Well, just remember to set a realistic and practical target of about half to 1 kilogram per week. Any more than that and you could be harming your health!
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