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Preferred Clinic


Preferred Clinic is our panel of general practitioners (GPs), exclusively curated for Great Eastern customers to focus on better health and quality of life. The formation of the Preferred Clinic is also one of the measures that the Company has put in place to encourage more responsible use of health services, improve the long-term sustainability of medical and health insurance and takaful (MHIT) products as well as delivering great patient experience.

Simply present your Great Eastern e-Medical Card when you register at the Preferred Clinic to enjoy:

  • Pre-negotiated outpatient consultation rates (excluding fee for medication or procedure/treatment)
  • Exclusive discounts and offers on blood test packages and vaccinations
  • Priority lanes and dedicated waiting area
  • Extended operating hours
  • Cashless medical treatment for Dengue, Zika virus and emergency outpatient treatment due to an accident (only applicable to products with this coverage; subject to policy terms & conditions)
Scan the QR code to connect you instantly to our Preferred Clinic for the service and support offerings. It's a seamless experience where patient is our priority!

Important Notes:
Value-added services provided by our Preferred Clinic are not contractual benefits. Great Eastern reserves the right, at its sole and absolute discretion, to cancel, terminate and/or withdraw the value-added services any time or for any reason without notice.

To find out more on the Preferred Clinic List and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's), please refer here.



Panel Clinic

The Panel Clinic listed by location is meant to facilitate medical check-up prior to purchasing an insurance plan.

To view the full listing, please click on Panel Clinic List.

Clicking on the link above will open a printable file in new window. The Preferred and Panel Clinic Lists need to be downloaded using Acrobat Reader.

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